Back in August (I say that like August was so long ago, rather than three days ago!), Jacob, my cousin and I went to the Comfort Inn & Suites in Mount Pocono, PA for a mini getaway. Since I knew we would be spending a lot of time in the pool, I was happy for the chance to review the Seal Kid 2 Swim Mask from Aqua Sphere.

Seal Kid Goggles 3

They actually took the time to send it to the hotel for me so we would have it to use on vacation. We were supposed to use it at the water park, but unfortunately I had to change the plans and go a day early because of bad weather. Still, Jacob spent an insane amount of time in the pool at the hotel, so trust me, the Seal Kid 2 got a workout! Even though summer is ending, there are still plenty of chances to swim indoors. You’ll want to take these along with you!

Learning to Swim, Thanks to Seal Kid 2

I’m going to skip right to the chase here and tell you my FAVORITE part of the Seal Kid 2 Swim Mask. It actually gave Jacob the confidence he needed to stop hanging on to the wall and LEARN TO SWIM! I shared the video of him swimming in my Choice Hotel Comfort Inn & Suites review, but here it is again (because, seriously, I am SO FREAKING EXCITED!)

I know, it’s not the best video. I didn’t realize that I had to turn the iPhone to take proper video. It was still brand new to me at that point. Hey, if it’s so smart, it should have fixed the video for me! Anyway, did you see him? Isn’t it awesome? Just look at this handsome, happy face:

Seal Kid 2

Features of the Seal Kid 2

Okay, now that we got all that excitement out of the way, let’s talk features. Jacob loves swim masks and goggles. He even wears them in the tub, where he plays so long that he looks like a little old man when he gets out. Here’s what HE liked about the goggles:

  • They don’t pinch his skin or pull his hair: the Seal Kid 2 swim mask is easy to adjust without yanking out half of your child’s hair. They stay firmly yet comfortably in place, so no pinching or irritation.
  • He could see all around him. This is probably the coolest feature. You know how some goggles and masks work like blinders (like the kind they put on race horses)? Well, the Seal Kid 2 has a patented curved lens, so you can pretty much see everything on all sides.
  • No chlorine water in his eyes! Jacob was able to open his eyes with confidence under the water, as the Seal Kid 2 swim mask fit snug and kept water out. This made helped him teach himself to swim!

A few things that I love about the swim mask (stuff he doesn’t think of, but still matters):

  • They offer 100% UVA/B protection, which makes them perfect for outdoors during the summer.
  • Lenses are fog proof and scratch proof.
  • They come in a fantastic, sturdy carrying case!

Whether your child is new to the pool or an old pro at swimming, these are by far the best swim masks I’ve ever had for Jake. I highly recommend them! You can find them at AquaSphere online for $21.95. Connect with AquaSphere on Twitter and Facebook to learn about all their other great swim products!

Does your child know how to swim? What gave him or her the confidence to do it?