Have you seen the brand-new 2-tone Fingerlings Baby Monkeys? They are adorable! I got one in the mail to check out in exchange for sharing the news about them. Check out my thoughts, then enter for a chance to win one!

Have you seen the brand-new 2-tone Fingerlings Baby Monkeys? They are adorable! Check out my review!


So, I have a confession: when Fingerlings Baby Monkeys came out before Christmas, I didn’t really get them. I also didn’t expect them to become THE toy of the season! A few weeks before Christmas, my friend had me searching high and low for them for her little girl. We couldn’t find them anywhere until after the holiday. So when they offered me a chance to check out the new 2-Tone Fingerling, I had to jump on it. My friend would freak on me if I passed them up again!

Now that I’ve held one of those sweet little monkeys on my finger, I have to admit that I had a really hard time giving it up! They are WAY cooler than I imagined! Alas, I promised my Melon Fingerling to Little P, so once I played with him and took pictures, I had to hand him over.

Just What Are 2- Tone Fingerlings?

If you, like me, took one look and the Fingerlings Baby Monkeys and thought “I don’t get it, they just sit there on your finger?” let me give you a quick overview.  Check out this video, then I’ll tell you more:

First, yes, they do sit on your finger. However, they don’t just sit there. They make over 40 different sounds and react to different stimuli. For example, blow them a kiss and they might just kiss you back! Pet their heads, turn them upside, and even lay them down to see what happens. They are insanely adorable!

Have You Seen the Adorable New 2-Tone Fingerlings?


My little guy did NOT like my dog barking at him. He started shaking his head and saying “no no no!” at her. Freya didn’t know what to think! Well, I’m pretty sure she was thinking “I want to eat that monkey,” lol. Please pardon the “long-way up” video. I forgot to rotate my camera for a landscape video. I also can’t seem to get this video to embed properly. Ugh. Well, you can get the idea!

The new 2-tone Fingerlings are exactly what they sound like: Fingerlings with two colors. The body has one main color, then their arms,  legs and tail tips look like they were dipped into liquid candy.  There are currently 8 in all. I have Melon, a pink and greenish watermelon-looking guy. My other favorite is Candi, who looks just like my favorite (alas, also discontinued) cotton candy Italian ice.

Fingerlings are one of those fabulous interactive toys that still require enough input from your kids to make them great imagination-boosters. They’re also small enough that your kids can pack a bunch of them along for a road trip or take to grandma’s house to keep them busy. While you can buy accessories for them (like a gym), they will hold onto just about anything that they can wrap their little arms around. Basically, a boring hotel room can become a fun-filled jungle for your kids and their Fingerlings.

Check them out on the Fingerlings website, then head to your favorite retailer to buy them! You can also click the “Buy Now” button on the website, then pick the Fingerling you want and it will direct you to an online retailer.

Which of the 2-Tone Fingerlings is your favorite?