Shadow of Witte Wieven Book Tour: Author Guest Post

Making up complex stories began early on in my childhood. Acres of apple, pear, and cherry orchards served as enchanted forests for my friends and me. A mound of dirt in the empty lot next to my house served as our castle. And then a cedar chest filled with dresses to...

Perilous Light and Beckoning Light Tour: Guest Post

The Supporting Cast My favorite part of the writing process is creating new characters. There is something incredibly satisfying when a character goes from a sketch to someone “real” and fleshed out. As a writer, your focus is usually on the major characters, but what...

Tundra 37 Book Tour: Why I Chose a Frozen Planet (Guest Post)

Why I Chose a Frozen Planet I’m here to talk about Tundra 37, the second book in my New Dawn series, which releases today!!! Don’t worry if you haven’t read the first book. Each installment can be read separately and still make sense. So here goes my guest blog… Why I...

Raising Appreciative Children

This guest post is brought to you by childcare experts at Kiddie Academy. It is definitely a subject I need help with, as Jacob tends to go through “more, more, more” phases. Raising Appreciative Children The first expression of etiquette that we teach our...

Always You Book Tour: Guest Post with Story Snippet

Thank you for having me here today. My book released on 6th March and since then, I have been nothing but nostalgic. Yes, happy for sure but nostalgia for the time spent on writing the book, the struggles and wins that I had with this book has been chasing me all...

Truly, Madly, Deeply You Book Tour: Author Guest Post

Confessions of a man (Frey), secretly in love with his best friend. The first time I met Liese, I was thirteen, and so was she. Liese had just moved to Vienna, all big brown eyes, curly hair and timid – well, that was the first impression I got when I first laid eyes...

Travel with a Pet: Tips for Safe Pet Travel

How to Safely Travel with a Pet by Mollie Jones If you’re a pet owner, car rides with your pet are unavoidable. In a recent survey of 1,000 dog owners, AAA found that 59% had driven distracted while their pet was in the car. It’s important to follow pet travel...