AAWP Codes This is a Product Box Shortcode [amazon box="1464750394"] Vertical Box [amazon box="ASIN" template="vertical"] Grid [amazon box="ASIN,ASIN,ASIN" grid="3"] This is a multiple product box [amazon box="ASIN, ASIN, ASIN "] This is a custom list [amazon box="ASIN, ASIN, ASIN, ASIN, ASIN" template="list"] This is a custom list in table format [amazon box=" ASIN, ASIN, ASIN, ASIN, ASIN" template="table"] This is a best seller list [amazon bestseller="keyword"] Another bestseller list in table format [amazon bestseller="keyword" items="3" template="table"] Fields (single product data) Just displays the price. [amazon fields="B01F53TWJQ" value="price"] Just the thumbnail [amazon fields="ASIN" value="thumb" image_size="large" image_alt=" "] CHANGE PICTURE: [amazon fields="ASIN" value="thumb" image="5" image_size="large" image_alt=" description"] Buy it button [amazon fields="ASIN" value="button"]