While you might not think cosmetic surgery is necessary for health, there are many benefits of getting cosmetic surgery for people with certain medical and skin conditions. In addition, up to 45% of the people who received cosmetic surgery in 2020 were older women ages 40 to 54, showing just how beneficial cosmetic surgery can be for older people. Below are some of the many ways cosmetic surgery can help you feel better as you get older.

How Cosmetic Surgery Can Help You Feel Better as You Age

Boost Your Confidence

In 2019, there were roughly 11.36 million plastic surgery procedures around the world, with many of those being done for age-related concerns like wrinkles and sagging skin. With cosmetic surgery, you can get rid of these signs of aging and improve your self-confidence by having a more youthful look. Cosmetic procedures can help you feel better about how you look and give you a boost in confidence that can last for years.

Get Rid of Acne Scars

Acne can be a major source of embarrassment as we age, especially when it leaves scars. Fortunately, cosmetic surgery has advanced to the point where you can get rid of acne scars with minimal downtime and discomfort. With modern treatments like laser resurfacing and chemical peels, you can drastically reduce the appearance or even completely eliminate any acne scarring that may be affecting your confidence.

Improve Eyesight

Some older people experience a decline in their eyesight as they age, which can be frustrating and make it harder to perform everyday tasks. On top of this, sagging eyelids can make it harder to keep your eyes open, which can lead to headaches and other issues. Fortunately, cosmetic surgery can help with this by removing excess skin and tissue from the eyelids, which can drastically improve your vision.

Improve Health Conditions

Cosmetic surgeries like breast lifts, abdominal tucks and face lifts also provide medical benefits, not just aesthetic ones. For instance, if your sagging skin is causing chronic back pain or discomfort, a procedure such as an abdominal tuck can help relieve pain. In addition, there are cosmetic surgery procedures available for people with TMJ. TMJ, or Temporomandibular Disorders, are twice as common in women than in men and usually affect women between 35 and 44 years old. Depending on the severity of the condition, cosmetic surgery can help correct jaw misalignment, reduce pain and improve a person’s ability to chew and speak.

Increase Mobility

As we get older, our bodies become less mobile and we may start to experience difficulty with daily activities like getting dressed or going upstairs. Cosmetic surgery can improve mobility by helping to reduce fat deposits, excess skin, and other age-related changes that can limit your range of motion. Liposuction, arm lifts, and tummy tucks are all cosmetic surgeries that can help you move more freely as you get older.

Help With Depression

Depression is a common issue for many people as they age, and cosmetic surgery can be an effective treatment for it. People who have undergone cosmetic surgery report feeling more positive about their appearance and having higher self-esteem after the procedure. This improved self-image can help diminish symptoms of depression, making you feel better both physically and psychologically.

Help With Skin Cancer

Skin cancer rates are rising, especially among people over 50. If you’re looking to reduce the appearance of skin cancer or other damage caused by aging, cosmetic surgery can help. Depending on the area and extent of the damage, a surgeon may be able to use grafts or other treatments to improve your skin’s health and appearance. Cosmetic surgery might be the only way to prevent cancerous growths from spreading or becoming more serious.

No matter your age, cosmetic surgery can be a great way to improve health and self-confidence. With the right procedure, you can reduce pain, increase mobility, reduce the effects of depression and even help prevent skin cancer. By getting cosmetic surgery, you’ll be able to feel better about yourself as you age.