Every year across the world on New Years Eve, millions (billions?) of people make resolutions to lead a healthier lifestyle in the upcoming year. While some actually do go on to stick to that resolution, the majority of us…er, them…fail miserably by the end of January. I hate to admit it, but my commitment to get healthy this year hasn’t really stuck quite yet. I’ve been eating foods that I shouldn’t, skipping my vitamins, and basically just blowing it. I have a million excuses: I’m too busy to eat right, it’s too cold to exercise, I’m stressed because I’m broke, and so on. That’s all they are, though, excuses. Fortunately, committing to a healthier lifestyle doesn’t have to take place only on the first of the year. It can happen anytime, you just have to decide to commit and stick to it!
Tips for Sticking to Your Commitment for a Healthier Lifestyle
- Identify your goals. You’re not going to get anywhere if you don’t know where you need to go, right? Sit down and make a note of your goals. Write them somewhere that is accessible, and preferably somewhere that you won’t lose them. I lose every piece of paper that ever comes into my home, so for me, my goals need to be on my computer.
- Identify your strengths and weaknesses. Maybe you’re really good at cutting calories out of your diet by replacing fatty foods with low-cal options, but you stink at committing to an exercise program. Perhaps you dedicate an hour a day to Zumba (I still have no idea what this is, by the way), but then you blow it all by eating huge, calorie-laden meals. Identifying your weaknesses lets you know what to work on. Identifying your strengths reminds you that you’re not a total lost cause!
- Talk to your doctor about which supplements you need. I will be totally honest here, I am a cruddy eater. I am so picky that I only like about three vegetables. My diet is horrible, and definitely a weakness. While food sources are the best when it comes to getting the nutrients you need, the majority of us could still use some type of supplement to make up for gaps in our diet. The problem is, I forget to take those half the time too! Nature Made has always been my favorite supplement brand because they make such a wide variety of vitamins and other nutrients at a very reasonable price. Now, they make these convenient VitaMelts that you can throw in your purse and take without water. Since I’m usually out and about when I realize I forgot to take them, stashing a few packs in my purse will help me make sure I’m getting my vitamins every day!
- Find a new hobby or passion that you can incorporate into a healthy lifestyle. I’m not really a big fan of exercising on its own. It’s not that I can’t walk 5 miles on a treadmill or climb fake steps for an hour, it’s just that I don’t have the attention span for it. Some people find exercising invigorating and exciting. I just find it boring. However, one of my goals for the New Year is to take better pictures, especially in natural lighting outdoors. Going for a walk without a purpose is boring to me, but going for a walk with my camera is an adventure. Sometimes I even take decent pictures, like this one:
- If you mess up, don’t give up. I think this is one of the most important tips of all. Just because you blow it for a day, a week, or even a month, don’t throw in the towel. Recommit to making and sticking to healthy changes, and move forward. Remember, being healthy is a lifelong process, not a one-time goal.
Nature Made® VitaMelts™ are a new “one of a kind”, enjoyable way to take your vitamins because they melt in your mouth and taste great. Discover how new Nature Made® VitaMelts™ can transform your vitamin taking experience by making it enjoyable. Visit us on NatureMade.com/VitaMelts to get a coupon.
Disclosure: Compensation was provided by Nature Made via Glam Media. The opinions expressed herein are those of the author and are not indicative of the opinions or positions of Nature Made.
I use naturemade vitamins! I don’t like taking any pills, vitamins included so I try to eat more whole foods, but I do take a Vitamin d!
I like the last one! Don’t give up!
I’ve been working on my goals!
These are wonderful tips.. Thank you.
Those are great tips! I love nature made supplements. We use them all the time.
I like the last tip the best! Good advice. It’s a journey, not a destination.
Great tips. I completely agree about starting a new hobby. I can’t wait for spring so that I can start gardening again.
Nature Made – my favorite!
Identifying goals is super important and find a way to hold yourself accountable. If its easy for me to slack off, I totally will. And Zumba is an intense cardio dance workout 🙂 gets everything movin and shakin.
Great tips! I can totally relate to taking vitamins and supplements to make sure you aren’t depriving your body of nutrients you need. I actually take Nature Made vitamin D supplements because I’m pretty much a hermit and definitely don’t get the vitamin D that I need.
Good luck on your goal of taking better pictures!
Great ideas! Writing down my goals always helps.
I am trying so hard to get healthier and live better. Not giving up is the best tip I tell everyone.
Water! Water is such an important step to a healthy lifestyle.
We have a supply of nature made vitamins around our house. Thanks for sharing the tips. We need to have a healthier lifestyle!
I definitely need to find a new hobby. My favorite pastime is reading which isn’t doing my diet very much good! Thanks for these tips!