Before Jacob was born, I used to fantasize about being one of those moms who came up with the most awesome Halloween costume around every year. Let’s just forget for a moment that I’ve said time and again how little crafting talent I have. In my mind, I was also suddenly going to develop an ability to not only thread my sewing machine, but also master more than just a square pillow. My imaginary child would win awards for the best costume every year, and other parents would look at me with awe and wonder how I managed to come up with such creative ideas. I was going to be the most rockin’ Halloween mom on the planet! Take that, Miss “Look At Me, I’m A Box of Crayons!” that beat me out every year in middle school because her costume was way cooler than mine!
Then I actually gave birth, and four months later realized I still had zero crafting talent and was no closer to figuring out how to thread that sewing machine. “Fine,” I thought, “I’ll just be the mom that picks the coolest store-bought Halloween costume! He still has a chance to totally take home all the prizes!” I thought I did pretty good the first year. I dressed him up as a chili pepper that said “Hot Stuff.” Just look how incredibly thrilled he was with my selection!
He was definitely the only chili pepper out Trick or Treating that night. Yes, I took my 4 month old Trick or Treating. Yes, I ate all the candy. The second year, I went for the totally cute Halloween costume versus the totally original. He was a monkey, in case you can’t tell. Again, he was incredibly overjoyed.
After the second year, my firm grasp on the costume selection slowly started to slip away from me. When he was a mere two years old, he got to pick the costume for the first time by pointing to the picture he liked best. As you can see, he was absolutely miserable with his selection and clearly wished that his mommy had been permitted to decide for him.
When he was three and finally talking, every other word out of his mouth had to do with Spiderman. Guess what he was that year? If you guessed the web slinging superhero, you are correct! Watch as my dream for the most original costume slips just a little further from my grasp.
Year four- what’s that? You want to be WHAT again? “But Mommy, this time it’s the black Spiderman suit! It’s different!”
Last year, I relinquished all hopes of being “that cool mom with the awesome costume ideas” and finally gave up even trying to have any input into his costume selection. He went as a Clone Trooper. I think the word “clone” is the operative one in that sentence.
This year, he decided on a Captain America costume (watch for the review next week sometime, we’ve already received it and tried it out), where he’ll hopefully not get lost in a sea of other Captain America’s. So fine, I’m never going to help my child win a prize for the most original Halloween costume. But you know what, I’m finally okay with that. After all, Halloween isn’t really about what I want, is it? At least he still lets me eat his candy!
LOVE this progression! So cute. I miss Halloween. You know, they don’t celebrate it over here and I find myself still buying big bags of candy and trying to give it to kids on that day….
When I lived overseas, I lived on base, so we still got to do Halloween. I would have missed it too! I am now imagining you running through the streets after children yelling “say Trick or Treat and take this candy!” LOL.
I really loved this piece! I’m a new follower!
Michele from vB
Thank you!!
AHHHHH!!! SO CUTE!!!!! Lulu was born in July and she was a monkey her first Halloween…I love dressing the kids up!
New follower!
Awww! That costume is too cute! I love it.
hey! I’m excited to be at your blog. it’s a lot of fun with a lot of great content. First off, their is nothing wrong with buying halloween costumes and your picks are AWESOME. I am a crafty mom and have made my son’s the last two years but it is so stressful and I’m at that point where sometimes, I don’t know why I bother. lol, most of the costumes are really easy and definitely no-sew costumes because I’m a terrible seamstress but seriously, yours look awesome. take care!
Thank you! I figure I may not be able to make a costume or even convince him to pick an original one, but hey, I can shop!!
when my eldest picked his first costume i lucked out cause he picked Mr. potato head, it’s awesome and he says he wants to be that again this year! lol, with youngest this year I want to make him a flying monkey and then I was going to be Elphaba.
Mr. Potato Head is definitely cool. A flying monkey would be adorable!
Visiting from the Alexa Blog Hop! You’ve got a cutie!
Thank you! I think he’s pretty cute too, but I’m totally biased!
Loved the pictures. My son was Spiderman last year and this year he wants to be Captain America too or Batman. I miss the first two Halloweens where I could pick out his costume. Now he thinks my ideas aren’t “cool”. That’s the word he used. Can’t wait to see your sons Captain America costume.
Thanks for stopping by my blog earlier =) Have a wonderful week!
Mary, mine actually yelled at me last week about the Chili Pepper costume. He said something along the lines of “why you would do that to me? That’s so not cool!”I said “you were a baby, you weren’t supposed to be cool, just cute!”
Your post had me laughing soooo hard…I too was going to one day be the best costume maker..hasnt happend fact I have a brand new sewing machine in my closet thats been sitting there for a few years that I havent been able to figure out how to use!! Cant wait to read about this years costme..I’m a new follower!! 🙂
My grandmother bought me a sewing machine before my son was born. It took me about four years to figure out how to thread it! Now, I can make awesome sort of square pillows and kind of pillow-shaped pillow cases. I figure within the next 5 years or so, I’ll graduate to circle-shaped pillows! Thank you so much for stopping by, commenting and following!
Thanks for dropping by the TGIF Blog Hop! I am your newest follower. I hope you can follow me back! Thanks :0) BTW I love your design work. BTW this is the cutest picture EVER!! Priceless
this is hilarious! let me tell you i was the mom (for my first son who is now thirteen and well, i guess for my twins too…and maybe i still am, we’ll see when it gets closer to halloween) , that makes their costumes. i did it once and from there it was like this inner competition with myself, once you start you just can’t go back. and truth be told the costumes were pretty cute and i was pretty proud of myself that my kid(s) were one of the only ones out there with stage worthy homemade customs…but it’s the behind the scenes that are really scary on halloween when you go this route. what you are really missing out on is yelling at your kids while you poke pins in their costumes and spay toxic paint on their hair and make them hold still for twenty minutes while you get their make-up just right and then get mad at them when their tears “ruin” it. and then just as you are both in tears you yell at them how lucky they are you went through all this trouble. uh, your son is the lucky one here! and please believe me i am the most non-violent mother around! but every halloween man, i turn into a crazy backstage mom ; )
Cutie pie! Mine was a turtle and then a lion…now he wants Buzz Lightyear. Ah the thrill is gone.
These pics are are adorable!!!! I found this helpful when looking for original halloween costumes for children They don’t sell the costumes, they list good deals from several sources. If you know of other websites I’d love to know.
I love the costumes, and he’s super cute!