My last Featured Sponsor post belongs to Shape’s Pink Power: Flat Abs 5 Ways, put out by Gaiam. I’m really trying to get in shape now since I’m going to be a bridesmaid in less than a year and get to wear a fancy dress for the first time in…well, I don’t remember the last time I wore a really fancy dress. Considering the fact that I’m pretty much far from being anywhere near in shape, I have my work cut out for me. My copy of Shape’s Pink Power: Flat Abs 5 Ways is on it’s way, and after I give it a try for a few weeks I’ll let you know how it works. I’m really looking forward to using it because the workouts are only ten minutes long each. I’m very busy (and very, uh, lazy when it comes to exercising), so spending just ten minutes a day on a workout definitely appeals to me.
The DVD is broken down into different segments, including Ab Rehab, Pilates for a Tighter Tummy, Core Makeover, Fat-Free Cardio Ab Blast, Turbo-Charged Belly Toning, and a digital download bonus segment Waist Whittlers. The exercises vary in complexity, so beginners can start with the Ab Rehab and work their way through. I’ll definitely be starting with the easiest ones! I can barely do a crunch anymore because my c-section somehow rendered those muscles virtually unusable, and I didn’t spend enough time fixing them over the last six years. I’ll let you know how it all works out! Hopefully this, combined with cutting out the junk food and taking daily walks will help me actually look good in that bride’s maid dress.
Shape and Gaiam are working together to raise funds for Breast Cancer Research Foundation. $1 from the sale of each Shape’s Pink Power: Flat Abs 5 Ways will go to the organization.
In Honor of the Ta Ta’s Prize Contribution
In addition to all the other prizes featured this week, the winner of my giveaway will receive a copy of Shape’s Pink Power: Flat Abs 5 Ways. The giveaway starts tomorrow, but if you would like to get a head start on your extra entries, “like” Gaiam on Facebook and follow them on Twitter. Both will appear as extra entries on the Rafflecopter form for the giveaway.
I am interested in trying this product. Really good content here.