Title: The Night After Christmas
Author: Michael Hebler
Format: Paperback
Once upon a time, I had strict rules about not watching, listening to, or reading anything that had to do with Christmas until the day after Thanksgiving. I couldn’t avoid the early holidays completely because I manage a Santa photo set that opens well before Turkey day, but I figured I could at least control the little things. Jacob, of course, threw all that out the window when he started asking to watch Rudolph in July, and making Christmas Lists two days after New Years. So we’re starting a little early this year. I’ve adapted, and I’m fine with that. We’re NOT putting the tree up until Black Friday though, that is where I draw the line.
We started reading Christmas books this weeks, and one of those books was a delightful take on the epitome of the classic Christmas Tales, the Night Before Christmas. In this case, it’s a tale of The Night After Christmas, and provides an insider’s look at what happens after Santa drives out of sight yelling “Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night.” Did you think Santa’s night was over once he delivered that last present? He still has to trek all the way back to the North Pole! The elves anxiously await Santa’s return, but Mrs. Claus knows better than to be worried, as Santa always makes it just fine, even in the worst weather.
The story is really cute, and goes along in the familiar rhythm of The Night Before Christmas. Santa looks very much like he did in illustrations of the original poem. The rest of the illustrations are full of texture, almost like crayon colors or pastels, giving the pictures a warm, fuzzy feeling that should always be associated with Santa. The majority of the text is easy enough for Jacob, a beginning reader, to read. One of the things I really love about this story is that it stretches out Christmas a bit more. Most of the books out there are about the days leading up to the holiday, or Christmas Eve. This would be a perfect book to read on Christmas night, after all the excitement of the day has waned a bit and the kids are ready to zonk out.
You can find The Night After Christmas on Amazon for $8.99, and it is part of the 4-for-3 deal.