I am looking for guest posters willing to contribute content related to the upcoming holidays. This includes crafts, recipes, decorating tips, etc. I would especially love the first two, since by now most of my readers know I am not really skilled at either crafting or cooking. If you are interested, contact me at prettyopinionated@gmail.com

What I Need From You

  • A guest post, sent to me either in the body of an email or as a word doc attachment. If you want to format the HTML, go for it, otherwise I’ll do it.
  • Relevant pictures, especially if it’s a craft or recipe.
  • Your “about the author” bio, with a link to your site,  to place at the end of the post.

What I Can Give You in Return

  • A back-link to your site. Pretty Opinionated is a Google PR3 blog.
  • I’ll have your post stumbled, tweeted, and put up on my facebook page for more exposure.
  • My eternal gratitude, in the form of a heartfelt “thank you!”

Please note that I only provide back-links to family friendly sites.