While I loved this, they had a mistake. Saint Nicholas Day (December 6th) is a different holiday from Christmas 🙂 They celebrate both. Saint Nicholas Day is actually celebrated in some cites in the US, including Chicago and other cities with high German populations. In the legends, Saint Nicholas’ sidekick Ruprecht (in German) would come along and threaten to beat the children if they didn’t behave. In some instances, he would kidnap them in a burlap sack and throw them in a river to drown if they were really naughty lol Talk about terrifying!
…great but with mistake….christmas isn’t the same as Siant Nicolas in France, Belgium, allemagne etc….
We have Saint Nicolas ( 6 december) AND Père Noel ( Christmas)
… very different different story different picture we can’t confound them
While I loved this, they had a mistake. Saint Nicholas Day (December 6th) is a different holiday from Christmas 🙂 They celebrate both. Saint Nicholas Day is actually celebrated in some cites in the US, including Chicago and other cities with high German populations. In the legends, Saint Nicholas’ sidekick Ruprecht (in German) would come along and threaten to beat the children if they didn’t behave. In some instances, he would kidnap them in a burlap sack and throw them in a river to drown if they were really naughty lol Talk about terrifying!
Oh wow, that is a terrifying tradition!! LOL! Thank you for taking the time to clarify their mistake for us!