Valentine’s Day is a day to celebrate love, but there is nothing in the rule book stating that you must celebrate only romantic love. Why not celebrate the love you have for yourself and your closest friends by having a “single girls night” at home? While all the couples out there are waiting for their turn in a jam-packed restaurant, you and your friends can enjoy a fun, sismantic (okay, I made that up, how come guys have bromances, but we don’t have a term for our bond as women?) night in the comfort of your own dining room. Make it really special by breaking out some gorgeous glassware from Bormioli Rocco. Whether you’re a gourmet cook whipping up a 4-course meal, or more like me and relying on frozen fare, these dishes make anything look like a 5-star meal.
I received the Bormioli Rocco Nettuno Small Bowl, Bormioli Rocco Nettuno Dinner Plate, and a set of four Bormioli Rocco Premium Barolo Glasses for review. They’re made in Italy, and all just stunning. I love the blue bowl and plate, the color is like sea glass. My picture doesn’t do it justice. The glasses are perfect for red wine, but if you’re not a drinker, they’ll also do a great job of classing up your favorite non-alcoholic beverage.
Suggestions for an Awesome Single Girls Night
- Everyone can be in charge of one course, from appetizers to dessert. That way no one is stuck doing everything, and you get a good variety. Play up on each other’s strengths. The girl who can’t cook (which would be me) can bring the drinks. Oh, and since you don’t have to worry about stinky breath later, go ahead and indulge in garlicky goodness if you want!
- Don’t forget the chocolate! You deserve that heart-shaped box just as much as your friends in relationships do.
- Break out the DVD player and make it “dinner and a movie.” Either go the sappy route and watch romantic classics like Sense and Sensibility (one of my faves), or spit in the face of tradition and romance and go the horror movie route. Nothing says “who needs romance” like watching a young Linda Blair spew split pea soup across the room!
- Just have fun! One of the best things about being unattached for Valentine’s Day is that there is no pressure to create the perfect, memorable evening for someone else. It’s all about you and your friends having a great time.
If you want to send home a little something special with your friends, I highly suggest these pretty glass Bormioli Rocco “Giara” Bottles. While the red and pink ones are perfect for Valentine’s Day, I’m particularly fond of the blue and purple colors. They retail for about $10 each.