Update for those who are reaching this page by searching for how to redeem the KYRestaurant.com certificate:  Please note that I do not work for KY or Restaurant.com. I did a review with them last year, but I am not affiliated with them in any other way. Since I’m getting a ton of hits from people trying to figure out how to redeem their certificate, I thought I’d try to explain it based on how it worked for me last year. I am not sure how it works this year, but if it’s the same as last year, here is what you need to do: Look inside your KY Date Night box. There should be a code of some sort. Go to www.k-ydatenight.com/redeem and enter the certificate claim number from your box, along with the security code.  Hit Redeem Reward. This should take you to Restaurant.com, so you can choose which restaurant you’d like to use your certificate at. (Thank you to Gina for giving me the updated instructions).

If you can’t find your code or are still having a hard time, I suggest emailing the KY Customer Service through their Contact Us link, or by calling 1-877-KYBRAND (592-7263) from Monday to Friday, 8am to 8pm ES.  I hope this helps.

Original Post:
K-Y Brand, one of the most well-known names in intimacy aids, has partnered with Moviefone and Rite-Aid to create an exclusive romantic experience that goes beyond dinner and a movie. Purchase any DATE NIGHT pack, and you will receive a voucher (in the box) for $10 off two movie tickets. Depending on where you live, that’s like getting a whole ticket for free! To make it even better, if you purchase $25 worth of any K-Y products at Rite-Aid between 2/5 through 2/12, they’ll throw in a $25 gift certificate to Restaurant.com. You will need to use your Rite Aid Wellness Card to get in on that deal. This is a limited-time offer, so get it while it’s hot (pun totally intended).

K-Y Date Night/Moviefone Pack


a Rafflecopter giveaway

Note- I received a complimentary Date Night pack and Restaurant.com Gift Certificate. My opinions, as always, are my own.