When it comes to green packaging in your refrigerator, it can be hard to figure out which is the absolute best. I’m never really sure which way to go, to be honest. I know plastic isn’t great, and obviously I can’t just not have any packaging at all, but I didn’t know that paper cartons are actually the best option aside from letting your food go totally naked. I was pretty surprised, though, to discover on my Fridge Hunt that I have very little paper cartons. My milk is in plastic, as is my fake butter, cream cheese, sour cream, and juice. The only cartons I had in there were the egg cartons and my coffee creamer. After reading a few interesting facts about cartons on the Choose Cartons website and doing some research on my own, I think I really need to change my habits a bit.
Facts about Paper Cartons
- Over 41 million households have access to carton recycling, and that number is on the rise. Cartons are made from renewable materials – more than 70 percent of the carton is made from paper, all from trees from responsibly managed forests.
- Cartons are recyclable where facilities exist. The paper fiber contained in cartons is valuable. Recycled cartons are used to make products such as tissue, office paper, wall boards and other building materials. To learn if your community accepts cartons for recycling, please visit www.recyclecartons.com or check with your local recycling program.
- Milk that sits in a plastic carton beneath the lights in the dairy case at the grocery store loses significant amounts of Vitamin A & D, and riboflavin.
- Cartons are light-weight and have a great product-to-package ratio. If consumers choose a product in a carton, they are taking home an average of 94% product and only 6% package.
Learn more about the benefits of paper cartons, enjoy a few fun interactive activities, and download more resources at ChooseCartons.com. While you’re on the site, take a few minutes to share facts about cartons with your friends and family. It’s for a good cause! Every carton fact shared, via Twitter, using the hashtag #choosecartons will help raise money for Habitat for Humanity, an organization that helps families become homeowners. I’ve even made it easy for you, just retweet my tweet:
Cartons can be repurposed into creative art pieces. See how. http://t.co/ukQlnFv2 http://t.co/RztYtuKY #choosecartons via @choosecartons
You can also learn more on the Evergreen Facebook page and through Twitter.
Check out this awesome infographic for even more information. It’s just one of the cool things you’ll find on the Choose Cartons website.
“I wrote this review while participating in a campaign by Mom Central Consulting on behalf of Evergreen and received a promotional item to thank me for taking the time to participate.”