I See Me: My Very Happy BirthdayJacob is turning 7 on Thursday. I am still having a hard time believing that my little preemie just finished 1st grade, and I always bawl on his birthday because every one means my baby is getting closer to being a grown up. Sure, I still have like 11 years left before he leaves me for college, but it seems time is flying faster every year! This year, I’m commemorating the event with I See Me’s My Very Happy Birthday book.

The book is I See Me’s book of the month for June, which is pretty perfect timing for me! I haven’t given it to Jake yet, I’ll be adding it to his birthday bag on Thursday, but I read through it myself to check it out. It’s adorable! While the site says it’s designed for younger children, all kids love seeing their name in books, and the story is great for young readers.

I particularly love the artwork in My Very Happy Birthday. It’s a patchwork of colors and textures, kind of like a comfy quilt. The book starts out with turtle getting all excited about your child’s birthday. Turtle tells Frog, who hops off to spread the word about the party. Blue bird helps with the invitations, while Squirrel freaks out about getting a cake. Squirrels are very antsy and prone to over-reacting! All the animals arrive for the party and realize they need some live music, so they get a band together. In the end, they string together a banner and wish your child a Happy Birthday.

I See Me: My Very Happy Birthday

My Very Happy Birthday is great because it features details about your child’s birthday throughout the entire book, not just on the first page. You can even customize the “invitation” page with your actual party invitation information. Nearly every page features Jacob’s name, age, or birth date in some way. I know he’s going to love it!

Since My Very Happy Birthday is the book of the month, you can order it on the I See Me website for 15% off using the code: happyday at checkout.  They also have a version for little girls, as well as numerous other great stories starring your child. Those who enjoy fantasy may want to check out My Royal Happy Birthday as well.

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I See Me: My Very Happy Birthday