Once Upon a Time, which debuted on ABC back in October 2011, went on to become a super smash hit among just about every age group. It was definitely my favorite new show of the Fall 2011 season, and I am thrilled that it will be returning in 2012. For those who didn’t get a chance to see it, or those who just want to catch the magic all over again from the start, the first season will be debuting on DVD and Blu-Ray on August 28th, which gives you plenty of time to catch up before the new season starts in the fall. the 5-disc collection will feature all 22 episodes plus never-before-seen bonus features.
“Once Upon A Time” debuted new videos at Comic-Con International, including the very witty, super fun Singlebrook Dating Service video. If you think it’s hard to find your perfect match out here in the “real” world, imagine how hard it must be for Storybrooke characters who are destined to be with one specific person, yet can’t even remember who they are, let alone who their Prince Charming is! Check out the video below.
Are you looking forward to the start of the new season of Once Upon a Time? I know I am! Just when the curse is broken, it looks like a new one is heading for Story Brook. I cant’ wait to find out if Emma is transported back to fairy tale times, or if magic will take over our world instead. I just read that the new season will also reveal the identity of Henry’s father. Will it be another fairy tale character? What questions are you hoping to get answers to in the new season of Once Upon a Time?