If you’re looking for something fun to do during the rainy days of Summer, Hewlitt-Packard has you covered. HP offers fun Printables that you can print right from your own computer and create cool little projects with. I recently had a chance to check out the Lifeguard Monitor Monster. He’s available as a free download through the link.

The Lifeguard Monitor Monster is a really adorable little guy that you can cut out, paste together, and sit just about anywhere. I printed him out using HP ink, and was surprised that he didn’t require too much. I really avoid using my printer for color projects as much as possible because ink is a little costly these days. Once printed, the hardest part came. Cutting him out was a little challenging, and I wish I had used a smaller pair of scissors. Like my son, I am pretty sure I failed “cutting” in kindergarten, and never really improved in my skills. Straight lines are boring, anyway! I didn’t do all the teeth at first because that just seemed too tedious, but he ended up looking wrong with the extra paper, so I fixed it before I glued him together.

HP Printables: Fun for a Rainy Day

Once he was all cut out, it took me a moment to figure out how to put him together. I didn’t realize that the tabs indicated where to glue him, so I kept looking for a place to make a slit. Of course, once I bothered to read the directions more closely, it was pretty easy.Just line the tabs up with the area opposite of them and glue.

HP Printables: Fun for a Rainy Day

He came out pretty cute, and I have limited crafting skills. Imagine how great he would look if I had real skills! While I can’t see printing out dozens of these little guys (that would kill my ink supply), HP Printables do make a cute activity for a rainy day or times when your child is bored and you can’t think of something else to do. The HP Ink does a great job of making the colors come out just how they looked on the screen too.


Note: I was  compensated in the form of a Best Buy Gift Card and/or received the reviewed product or services at a reduced price or for free. That does not affect my opinions.