Title: ProBlogger: Secrets for Blogging Your Way to a Six-Figure Income
Author: Darren Rowse and Chris Garrett
Publisher: Wiley
When I started Pretty Opinionated, I had no clue what I was doing. I figured “I’ll just start a blog, write about the stuff I like, and people will come!” It doesn’t really work that way, and it wasn’t until about 3 months after starting it that I realized I would have to work my butt off if I wanted anyone to even find me, let alone decide they like me enough to stick around. Over the last year and a half, I’ve learned a lot about the personal side of running a blog. I learned to loosen up and be myself, rather than the stiff writer that I started out as (in my defense, I had spent the better part of the last two years prior writing for a site that required stiff writing). I learned to get out there and network with other bloggers, and in the process found some amazing blogging friends that turned into real friends. I learned about widgets, plug-ins, site design, ad networks, and so on.
One area that I was, and still am, lacking in though, is how to turn my blog into a successful business. In the 3rd edition of the book, ProBlogger: Secrets for Blogging Your Way to a Six-Figure Income, authors Darren Rowse and Chris Garrett walk you through all the steps you’ll need to take to become a successful blogger. They don’t promise instant results, and actually are pretty up-front about the fact that you’ll need to work hard, diversify, and spend a lot of time building before you can even start to see major results.
Anyone who has spent any time researching blogging tips or trying to find decent freelance writing gigs has most likely come across the authors’ site, ProBlogger. It’s a virtual fountain of information on everything from making money blogging to strategies for building your email list. The book is also a fantastic resource for both new bloggers and those who have been at it for a few years. I particularly love the chapter with the 20 key ingredients for a successful blog post.
ProBlogger: Secrets for Blogging Your Way to a Six-Figure Income breaks everything down from choosing your niche and getting started to maintaining your status quo once your site “makes it.” The new edition features updated info on Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn, as well as new tips and tricks to build a better blog. If you’re looking for a starting point or are already pretty successful and just need a few new ideas, this is definitely the book to use.
Head over to Wiley’s page for ProBlogger: Secrets for Blogging Your Way to a Six-Figure Income to read more about the book and check out a few excerpts.
Enter below to win a copy of the ProBlogger book in paperback, a $24.99 value. Giveaway ends 8/18at 11:59PM, and is open to US residents 18+. Winner will be notified by email and has 48 hours to respond. Void where prohibited.
I am not a blogger but have toyed with the idea…I would hope to learn the pros and cons plus tips for success. 🙂 Thank you.
trying to get started.
I want to learn if blogging is something I would be interested in doing.
Wow, that sounds like a cool book. I must have it. 🙂
I have a difficult time coming up with ideas for blog posts.
I want to learn how to set up to do the blogging, this book will help me learn everything I need to know……… thanks for the contest, I would love to win this~~~~
I hope to learn how to set up a blog and make at least enough money to pay for our family vacations.
I hope to learn how to get more followers.
I’d like to know more about content to get readers – and consistent readers, at that!
My biggest blogging challenge is staying motivated to post on a regular basis. I’m not chatty in person and I guess I’m not on the Internet, either! I feel like I should be able to keep up a blog because I’m web-oriented and also enjoy writing and editing – but blogging seems to take a back seat to other things.
This would be for my neighbor!
I was blogging for some time, but never could figure out how to make money.. I would love to read this book and jump back in!
I do not have a blog ,but I am intrigued with the idea. i would hope this book talks about the nitty gritties fo Blogging. I am retired and have some time but how much time does it take and how involved is it? Obviously i have questions.
Lucy, it’s as involved as you want it to be. You can blog daily, weekly, or monthly! I started out weekly, then moved up to like three a week, now I do several a day because I usually have a pretty full blogging schedule. The book really goes into a lot of detail about how to get your blog up and running.
Getting followers and earning income are my challenges.
I’m just a beginner- planning a blog, but I’m worried about attracting visitors.
Thanks for the giveaway…interested in blogging as an income generator !
My biggest challenge is getting the motivation to write.
My biggest challenge is knowledge of blogging.