Today is the big day for my baby brother and his gorgeous fiance. As of 5:30 PM tonight, I’ll no longer be calling her my “future sister in law” Right around the time this post goes live,  I’ll be getting ready to go get my hair done for the wedding. In case you missed it the first 501,000 times I mentioned it over the last year, I’m going to be one of the bridesmaids.  Cross your fingers that I don’t trip and fall over my shoes! I’m not used to waring heals, even if they are wedges. I thought something to do with weddings would be appropriate for today, and saving money is always a good thing. Wedding can be expensive, but this infographic from shares tips on how brides save over $7,000 on their weddings simply by making good use of technology. Enjoy! I’ll be back on Monday with tales from the wonderful event!

How to Save Over $7,000 on Your Wedding Using Technology

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