TRANSFORMERS RESCUE BOTS: ROLL TO THE RESCUE arrives on DVD on October 2nd. Get your kids excited about it with downloadable activity and coloring sheets!
Meet the Transformers Rescue Bots
When HEATWAVE transforms into a fire truck and pulls out for a mission, he’s ready to blaze like no one else. As team leader, he loves being the first one in action. He’s brave, and he doesn’t like pretending to be a “tin can.” But, maybe, by working with his human partner, Kade, and befriending Cody, HEATWAVE can learn what it means to be a leader — and a friend.
BLADES is the opposite of Dani, his human partner. For one thing, he’s a little scared of heights. (Not a good thing to be if you’re a Rescue Bot that transforms into a helicopter!) Being heroic in the air can be a challenge when you don’t want to look down, but whenever Dani pushes BLADES to the limit, he feels proud of what they accomplish!
BOULDER transforms into a steam shovel and he really digs being on Earth. He loves his partner, Graham, and he’s fascinated by everything earthly — from nature to TV shows to parades to pirates. But when it’s time for action, BOULDER becomes two tons of heavy metal thunder — ready to dig a trench, build a firewall, or shield a human from harm.
When CHASE transforms into a police car, blares his siren, and flashes his lights, he’s the fastest thing on wheels — and a great partner for Chief Burns. He’s loyal and brave and always wants to enforce rules to the letter, even if that means he wants to ticket folks for driving even one mile over the speed limit. Together, Chief Burns and CHASE are an unstoppable team.
It would be a great giveaway! Jaxon would love it, better add it to the Christmas list! 🙂