Teaching children values like compassion, fairness, helpfulness, and other qualities that make a good person isn’t just important for getting them through their childhood, it sets them up to become excellent people throughout their entire life. Of all the roles a parent has, raising children who grow up to be great adults is among the most important. For many children, stories filled with characters that exhibit the traits we want them to have often get through much better than us just telling them how they should behave. Young People’s Books of Responsibility makes it easy to teach children all the core values of life with their huge collection of short stories from around the world.
The Books of Responsibility Collection
There are 16 different books in the Books of Responsibility Collection, each focusing on a specific character trait. The books feature stories from around the world that help promote the traits. The stories are geared towards grades 2-5, but they’re also perfect for reading to younger children at bedtime. Jacob is able to read the stories on his own, so I have him read them to me!
We received six different Books of Responsibility to review: Stories of Peacefulness, Helpfulness, Fairness, Friendship, Forgiveness, and Excellence. On the first page of each book, the individual traits are defined in a manner that kids can understand. For example, Peacefulness is described as, among other things, remembering that everyone make mistakes and waiting for anger to disappear. I like that the virtues are explained right off the bat, it sets up the rest of the book.
Promoting Cultural Understanding
Aside from the fact that the stories illustrate the traits so well, my absolute favorite thing about the books is that they contain stories from so many different cultures. Not only is my child learning how to be fair, forgiving, excellent, and so on, he’s also learning about the people in different cultures. From fables to myths to traditional bedtime stories, the tales come from as close as the Native Americans in California to as far away as Turkey, China, and Siberia. The Books of Responsibility promote a deeper understanding of how our culture is just a tiny part of a much larger world culture.
A visual delight
Full-color, gorgeous illustrations on every page make the Books of Responsibility even more of a pleasure to read. The pictures are vivid, and often in a style reminiscent of the tale’s culture. The high-quality binding and large format make these ideal books for bedtime stories, homeschoolers, or parents who enjoy reading with their children.
Young People Press and the Books of Responsibility Social Media Links
Buy them: Each individual book costs $9.95 plus shipping and handling. They are available for order through www.younpeoplespress.com.
how do I decide? I have 4 kids that fight and argue over everything, they could use a lesson in all these subjects!
I think the Stories of Sharing sounds nice.