More Butt-Kicking Babes in Movies (Please)!
I have a problem with action movies. There are far too many butt-kicking men, and far too many simpering, quivering, crying women. I think it’s what got me started writing in the first place. I just couldn’t stand one more letdown of starting what I thought would be an amazing movie, until it turned out to be another boys-with-toys thriller. The worst offenders? See my rundown below:
Shoot ‘Em Up
Why on earth does Clive Owen have on a street-smart prostitute? She’s played here by the ravishing Monica Bellucci. In my take, she lures the villains to her pimp’s empty warehouse and demolishes the site when they are firmly locked inside. In stiletto boots, naturally.
You have to sit through far too many werewolf fights to finally see Bella reveal her wild side. In my take, she forces Edward to turn her into a vampire their first night together. Then she kills him. The End!
It’s great that Liam Nielson is an ex-spy slash vigilante who nobly saves his daughters from human traffickers. But am I to believe he didn’t train his daughter in the dark arts of combat? In my take, the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. His daughter frees herself after expertly dispatching her captors. She reunites with daddy in Paris, where he takes her on a shopping spree.
All these cinematic disappointments got me thinking. If you can’t beat em, join em! Or, er, write what you want to read. It’s incredibly selfish but very satisfying. I know there are other girls like me who want more fun, fulfilling roles for women in the media. So I wrote one. It’s called Spring Break and its “Very Bad Things” for the coed set. Taking place in a Cancun resort, it follows the tale of some mean girls who run into a Mexican drug cartel. Fine cinema it’s not, but at least the women get in on some butt kicking action.
Thanks for reading…
LC Kanon
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