Have you ever wished you could do more good for the world, but didn’t really know where to start? Maybe you’re too swamped with your own financial problems to donate monetary funds to charity, or too overwhelmed with work and family demands to spend time volunteering. Maybe you know you want to do something, but just cant figure out where you can help out while still preserving either your bank account or the few hours of sleep that you get each night. Your Mark on the World, by Devin Thorpe, is a great place to get started. In just 166 pages, you’ll not only have a better idea of what you can do to help make the world a better place, but you’ll be so inspired by the stories of others who are already doing it that you’ll want to get started right away.
Find Inspiration and Practical Advice in One Book
Your Mark on the World is essentially divided into two alternating sections. Every other chapter, beginning with the first, talks about an ordinary person or family who went on to make an extraordinary mark on the world. From an entire family who gave up a “normal” life to provide service to those in need throughout the world to a man who made it his life’s mission to help find a cure for cystic fibrosis, the people in these stories aren’t power players, mega-millionaires, or celebrities. They’re just people who wanted to make a difference.
The alternating chapters in between the inspirational tales are filled with practical tips on how you can make a difference. From how to choose your cause to how to fix your own budget so you can donate, Devin offers real tips that work for real people. He even offers advice on how to talk to family members that may be affected by your desire to do good. After all, if you do decide you want to head off across the ocean to do some hands-on volunteering, you’re going to need the support of your family! This is really the first book that I’ve read that offers so much practical information about doing good.
I really enjoyed how Devin seemed to be speaking directly to me as a reader. His tone is conversational and encouraging. He doesn’t condescend, and he genuinely seems to want to see every reader succeed in their charitable goals. I recommend this book to anyone who is ready to get out there and make their mark on the world.
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Disclaimer: I received a free ebook copy of Your Mark on the World so that I could read it for this review. My opinions are my own.