Wolf Magic
Wolf Magic can be a stand alone novel, but is best read after the Red Wolf in the Wolf Fey Series or after Frost Fire (Frost #7) in the Frost Series, which the Wolf Fey is a spin-off or companion series of. The final book in the Wolf Fey Series. With their fey blood in danger of becoming extinct, the leader of the Wolf Fey, Logan the Wolf Prince, must find and restore the magic of the fey into all the Wolf Fey. Now that Logan has the Wolfstone, from The Red Wolf, he must help unite the spirits of Three Sisters: The Sorceress, The Enchantress, and The Queen of Feyland to bring back the magic to the Wolf Fey or all the Wolf Fey will be forever cursed as wolves, no longer able to shift.
The other books in the Wolf Fey Series are:
Wolf Fey
The Red Wolf
Wolf Magic
Kailin Gow has appeared on top national syndicated talk shows such as ABC Radio, Barbara Dooley show, Chat with Women on KKNW Seattle, Broadminded on Sirius Radio XM, and more as a leading authority on YA and women’s issues including self-esteem, body image, dating and sexual relationships, abuse, and bullying.
Kailin has been a published author for over 10 years with over 100 titles published under her name and under pen names.
She is the founder of the community social site, The Saving You Saving Me Project, http://www.savingyousavingme.com which helps teens, young adults, and women deal with social issues like sexual abuse, self-esteem, body image, bullying, cutting, relationships, and more in a positive community environment. The Saving You Saving Me Project is an extention of her YA-mature fiction Saving You Saving Me.
She lives in Dallas, Los Angeles, and Nevada, and is a mother as well as a full-time writer. She is always working on her next novel.
Follow –
@kailingow http://www.KailinGowBooks.com http://www.KailinGow.Wordpress.com
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