Valentine’s Day originated from a Christian saint named Valentinus, who was imprisoned for carrying out ceremonies for soldiers who were forbidden to marry. During his imprisonment he was said to have healed the daughter of his jailer. Before Valentinus was executed he wrote a note to the jailer’s daughter signed ‘from your Valentine.’
Valentine’s Day was first associated with romantic love in the 13th century, and it was in the 15th century that people began to present loved ones with gifts, such as flowers, confectionery and chocolate. Since then, Valentine’s Day has escalated into what some may say is a means of businesses cashing in on a loved-up society. However, when it’s still a long way until summer and there are plenty of ways to show you care without breaking the bank, why not embrace this chance to do something fun and romantic?
Popular Valentine’s Day Gift Ideas
Some of the most popular gifts would probably include; flowers, chocolates, jewellery, card, fragrance, dinner in a fancy restaurant, but where is the originality in that? You don’t need to go as far as declaring your love in a way that results in imprisonment or execution (like the soldiers that St. Valentinus was marrying) but how about creating something that requires more creativity than flashing your cash or credit card? There are a number of low cost craft ideas that are for all abilities.
Alternative Gift Ideas
- Making a card rather than buying a card is simple but thoughtful. You can buy everything you need from somewhere like Hobby Craft.
- “There is no love sincerer than the love of food…” – George Bernard Shaw, Irish playwright (1856-1950). Rather than going out for a meal, cook a lovely meal for your partner at home. Make it more special by decorating the table and getting glammed up.
- If cooking a 3 course dinner is slightly above your ability, bake some cakes. Make them from scratch or use a ready mix but decorate the cakes yourself. Cupcakes can be easy, fun, romantic and delicious!
- Another idea is to make a collage. Buy a frame and print off a selection of your favorite couple photos and arrange them together. This can be done relatively cheap depending on the type of frame you buy.
- Alternatively, you could always rebel against society and be individual. Use the money you would usually spend on Valentine’s Day and donate it to a worthwhile charity.
This is a guest post from Kirsty at World Vision Must Have Gifts, providing ethical charity gifts. Why not share some love on Valentine’s Day with children in some of the world’s hardest places?
I <3 cupcakes! Thanks for the great ideas and I'm hoping to use many of them this Valentine's Day.
Such a great post, thanks for sharing!!
I’d much rather my husband do something nice for me on any other day of the year than Valentine’s Day! It has become too commercial, and stressful.
Valentines day…sounds familiar. 😀 since having kids, valentines day has become more of a “what are we doing for the kids’ class or the kids’ friends” than a “what are hubby and i doing?” day. 😀 ahhh the joys of parenthood.
Love the collage idea! I’m not much for going out to eat, so I usually make a nice meal with dessert for hubby and I at home.