
Wow, I’ve actually made it a third of the way through the 31 Day Blog Challenge and I only missed one day! Technically, that wasn’t my fault. Blame Sal’s gallbladder for misbehaving. This is the longest I’ve ever managed to stick with one of these challenges. Thankfully, Tiffany at Fabulous Finds By Tiffany made it so much fun! Today’s writing prompt is: The last book you read.

Food for a Hungry Ghost


The last fiction book that I read was Food for a Hungry Ghost. You can check out my review, or enter the book blast giveaway for a chance to win a $25 Amazon gift card and a super cool tote bag. I received this book for review because I participate in book tours with Promotional Book Tours, run by some of the coolest women in the Indie publishing world. If you’re publishing a book and looking for a great way to promote it, I highly recommend doing a tour with them.

What the Plus!

What the Plus

I’m currently reading What the Plus!: Google+ for the Rest of UsA Peek At the Last Books I Read #31daymarch by Guy Kawasaki. It was recommended by Darcy over at Tales from the Nursery, and I’m so glad I took her advice. I only recently started really trying to use Google+, and it’s still a bit of a mystery to me. This book explains how to make great use of it for connecting with others and promoting yourself.

I read a lot. Although this year I haven’t had nearly as much time as I’d like, reading is still one of my favorite ways to relax. I have tons of book reviews, author guest posts, excerpts, and more under my Books category, so check them out! I read a diverse range of stuff, so there’s pretty much something for everyone. If you’re an author, contact me if you want to be featured on Pretty Opinionated. I have a very open policy for author guest posts and promotions. I’m backed up on reviews right now, but I can always find some way to get your book on my site.

What is the last book that you read?