One of my favorite things about owning a Kindle is the fact that I can fill my virtual shelves full with free or cheap eBooks and always have something on hand to read, no matter what my mood. There are like a zillion sites out there that tell you where to find free eBooks, but I prefer the ones that give you more than just a random list of what’s free on Amazon today. I mean, we can also easily head over to the Kindle section and sort by “free,” so why would I want another boring list that gives me no real details to go on? Check out a few of my favorite free or cheap eBook sites!
Awesome free or cheap ebook sites
e-Reading on the Cheap– This is my absolute favorite free ebook site. It’s run by Mandie, one of the amazing women behind Promotional Book Tours (the group that brings you all those really cool book tours and blasts that I participate in). I love that Mandie doesn’t just slap a list together and say “there you go!” She gives covers, descriptions, and real information about the books listed. The site is broken down into categories like Chick-Lit, Paranormal, Non-Fiction, and more to make it easier to navigate. This is the FIRST place I look for new free ebooks.
GoodReads Listopia – A search through GoodReads’ Listopia for “free ebooks” will bring back a ton of results. Most of the lists revolve around a particular category, making it so much easier to find books you actually want to read. This can be a little iffy because sometimes books are only free for a limited time, and lists can become outdated quickly, but it’s a great place to start! Are you on GoodReads? If so, I’d love more friends!
Smashwords– The Smashwords free ebooks list is a little less intimidating than Amazon’s. Plus, you can download books in just about any format. I love Smashwords because many of my favorite indie authors list there. For example, you can grab a copy of Karina Halle’s Darkhouse for free and get started on your Experiment in Terror addiction like me! Book 7 should be coming out relatively soon!
Lendle– Did you know that you can lend and borrow certain Kindle books? Not all of them allow this feature, but a large number are getting on board. I borrowed The Hunger Games through Lendle last year, and ended up buying the other books in the series the next day because I couldn’t wait to read them. Sometimes it takes a while to get the book you want. You can put yourself on a waiting list for those titles. If you decide to sign up for Lendle, I’d love it if you would consider using my referral code. It’s C3H4WZ34. I get two borrow requests if you do.
World Public Library – While most of the books are in PDF format and typically in the public domain, I really like the way this site is organized. They break down the different free ebooks into many categories, including graphic novels and women writers. While the site isn’t visually stunning (you won’t find fancy headers, backgrounds or graphics here), it’s very easy to navigate and load pretty fast.
Net Galley– If you plan to review the free ebooks you receive, Net Galley should be one of your first stops. More and more large and small publishers are using Net Galley to release their ARCs because it cuts down on costs and lets their books be accessible by more potential reviewers. I’ve done a lot of reviews through them in the past, and it’s so easy. The only thing is, you have to be approved for many titles. I’ve only been turned down for two, though, so far.
Your local library- Most local libraries have a website, and many of those have the capabilities to lend you ebooks much the way they’d lend you hardcopy books. Check out your library’s website to find out if they offer this!
Thanks for this awesome list!!!!
I use too for great free and discounted books! 🙂
I’ve never heard of that one. Thanks for pointing it out!! Checking it out now.
I need to keep this list.I am so new to ereaders, so this may be a dumb question: Can I read these on an iPad?
I have an Android tablet, so don’t quote me on this, but I’m pretty sure you can, as long as you have the apps. Like, for Kindle books, you need the Kindle app. Nook for Barnes and Noble. With Smashwords, you can download the books in just about any format, so you should have no problem.