One thing that many moms wish for on Mother’s Day is the gift of time. Time to spend with their families, time to relax alone, time to sleep in, time to go out and do something fun. Time is one thing all of us moms seem to be short on! I know I would do back flips for an entire day in which not a single solitary thing was scheduled. Just a day to do whatever whim comes to mind. Sleep until noon to catch up on all the lost hours, read on the back deck, go to lunch, play video games with Jacob, go to a movie with Sal- basically just an entire day of doing whatever I want when I want. I rarely get days like that!
If your mom (or you!) would do similar acrobatic motions for the gift of time, Mother’s Day is the perfect day to make that wish come true. Instead of heading out into the over-crowded restaurants, waiting in line for a table, and dining on food that is twice as expensive as it would usually be on a regular day, why not skip all the hustle and bustle and give your mom a something she could really use: a little more time.
Easy ways to give the gift of time
- Skip the meal out. Order takeout and eat at home. If, unlike me, you can actually cook, prepare a nice brunch and eat it on the back deck, front porch, or anywhere else outdoors. Unless it rains, of course. Then maybe the great outdoors isn’t such a good idea.
- Declare it “do what you want day.” Drop the expectations of getting dressed up and meeting at a particular time. Mother’s Day is rarely relaxing when there’s a big family gathering to rush off to! Let mom take the lead, get ready at her own pace, or skip the family gathering entirely. Get together on Memorial Day instead.
- Take over her chores. Tell mom to take the entire day off from cooking, cleaning, and anything else that typically falls on her.
- Make it a lasting gift. Don’t just let her take off on Mother’s Day, offer to continue taking over those chores for the entire following week. Even if she just gains an extra half hour a day, it adds up! Even better, give her small gifts of time each week for the whole year! Offer to do grocery shopping one week, make meals the next.
- Give her a rain check. Maybe Mom really does enjoy the hustle and bustle of Mother’s Day. Maybe she really wants to go to that family gathering! If that’s the case, that’s fine, just tell her she absolutely must take off one day either during the week or the following weekend. Guilt her into doing it by telling her that it’s your gift to her from her children. No mom can refuse a gift from their kids! Make sure she takes that day!
Keep time in style with Wildlife Watches by Heidi Klum
Alas, eventually her day of time off will come to an end and mom will be back to the non-stop go-go-go of everyday life. If she’s going to have to keep track of time, give her a way to do it in style! I received a Wildlife by Heidi Klum Silicone Bracelet Watch from QVC to try out, and it’s a really pretty way to count the minutes. Here’s a closer look with my camera (so it’s not a great picture because I couldn’t figure out how to get rid of the glare):
I have a sentimental attachment to QVC; my grandmother was practically the queen of shopping from the channel. She used to call me to tell me the latest cool gadget that she bought. Whenever I hear those three letters, I think of her. She would have loved the Wildlife Silicone Bracelet Watch. It’s classy enough for the older “mom” generation, yet fun enough for younger moms too. I love the Seafoam color, it’s perfect for spring and summer. It also comes in several other colors, including a blue tone that is perfect for a nautical theme! With removable links, it’s easy to fit to just about any wrist size. It comes in a stylish box too!
The Wildlife by Heidi Klum Silicone Bracelet Watch typically retails for $44, but it’s currently on clearance at QVC for$29.86.