Did you ever wish you could have the power of a god? What would you do? Would you use that power for good and make amazing changes in the world? Or would you fall victim to the darker side of power and harness it for more nefarious purposes? I like to think that I’d use it for good! The thing is, as Leros, the main character in Legends of Amun Ra: The Emerald Tablet discovers, we all have a bit of darkness in us. When it comes to the big battles, sometimes it’s tempting to give into that darkness and fight dirty rather than always do the right thing.
In The Emerald Tablet, Leros lives a pretty secluded life. He doesn’t have many friends. It’s kind of hard to forge long-term bonds when your parents are always on the move as archeologists. During one of their travels, Leros’ parents discover an ancient text that changes everything. Leros deciphers the tablet, and in doing so, is transported to a world he never even dreamed could exist.
When Leros reaches this new world, he discovers a young slave girl who is traveling her own path towards her destiny. Together, they must fight against an enemy who is practically the epitome of darkness. The big question looms- can they defeat this enemy and still remain good, or will they have to give in to the darkness that lurks within us all?
Author Joshua Silverman was kind enough to share a brief yet powerful excerpt from his exciting novel:
“This is a crazy world. We don’t know if what we do in this lifetime makes a difference. But, we keep doing the things we do because we believe in them. That’s what turns the tides of wars, people believing in what they’re fighting for. It’s all willpower. Your mind and your heart will always be the key to victory; never doubt that.”
Although the excerpt is about the character’s journey, it really pertains to everything in life. If you truly believe in what you’re fighting for, you can overcome the darkness and make a real difference. Whether you’re trying to defeat an ancient enemy or simply fighting a battle for a loved one, believing makes all the difference.
I just started reading Legends of Amun Ra: The Emerald Tablet and already I’m quite hooked by the story. I’ve always been a huge fan of Egyptian mythology, and this story takes it to a whole new, unique level. I’m looking forward to sharing my thoughts with you on the story once I finish it. Be sure to come back on June 26th for my review! In the mean time, you can purchase the book on Amazon or Barnes & Noble. Don’t forget to enter for a chance to win an autographed book and Season 1 of The Game of Thrones on BluRay.