As part of the Moonlit blog tour, I asked author Jadie Jones if she had any strange or interesting writing quirks or habits that she followed when she was writing. Check out her response!
Every writer has their quirks. If it were up to me, I’d probably have more than I actually do, but I have two other jobs and a two year old, so quirks like location and word count goals just won’t fly around here. But I do need something sweet within an arms reach – preferably hot tea or sugar cookies, or, even better, both. I’d like to say I’m the kind of person who writes best outside. I love sunshine. But I’m like a squirrel – the minute you get me in a big open space my mind darts back and forth and round and round and before I know it I’m bolting across two lanes of traffic because there’s something shiny on the other side of the street. That all goes to say that I am easily distracted. My mind wanders with little to no help from my surroundings, so if I’m in a pretty place, forget it. But I digress…
When I write a first draft, I don’t cut anything. You never know what a single word might spark during edits. And when I edit, I don’t go back. I make hand-written notes on post-its or note cards, and tack them to a bulletin board over my desk. If I go back and change a part, I get turned around and forget where the story was taking me before I jumped backwards (remember, squirrel) and then I’ve lost my rhythm. So if something comes up that needs to be changed earlier in the story, I write myself a note, move on, and then address it once that draft is complete.
I also have a couple of quirky ways to deal with writer’s block. I took a trick from Anne Lamott, and have an empty picture frame on my desk that I stare in if I’m having a hard time writing my character out of a scene or conversation. It helps me focus on what’s in front of my character and nothing more. If that fails, I write a flash fiction piece where I kill off the main character in six sentences or less. It helps me think outside the box. Then, if I get desperate, I take a drastic measure. I hate to admit this, but when I’ve hit an epic writer’s block, I will watch an episode of really trashy reality TV. It’s best if it involves a Kardashian. Usually in less than fifteen minutes I think to myself: I would so much rather take another swing at that scene then waste my time watching someone else make a ridiculous amount of money just to let cameras follow them around. It’s the only motivation I need to jump back into the story.
This was a fun topic! Thank you so much for having me.
About Moonlit
Eighteen-year-old Tanzy Hightower knows horses, has grown up with them on Wildwood Farm. She also knows not to venture beyond the trees that line the pasture. Things happen out there that can’t be explained. Or undone. Worse, no one but she and the horses can see what lurks in the shadows of the woods.
When a moonlit ride turns into a terrifying chase, Tanzy is left to question everything, from the freak accident that killed her father to the very blood in her veins. Broken and confused, she turns to Lucas, a scarred, beautiful stranger, and to Vanessa, a charming new friend who has everything Tanzy doesn’t.
But why do they seem to know more about her than she knows herself?
Thank you so much for having me today!!