It’s a brand new year! Time for new calenders, a whole new six months of putting the wrong year on everything (it takes me a while to catch up!) and new beginnings. To celebrate, I’ve rounded up a few of my favorite inspirational quotes on “newness.” Call them “new quotes” if you want, although some of them were spoken by some really old folks (like in the grave for decades old).

So let’s get to it and celebrate the New Year with New Quotes, or inspirational quotes about newness if you will.

New Quotes about Newness

I love this one because it’s so true. You can never really go back to the beginning and start over. You can, however, start new right now. Put aside all the things that went wrong in the past and celebrate the New Year by deciding to change your future.


New Quotes about Newness

First, I really love this Notegraphy site! I’ve used a few other quotes to images sites before, but I just found this one while writing up this post. Pretty cool, isn’t it? The quote speaks for itself.

New Quotes about Newness


I am always amazed at how some of my favorite authors come up with whole new words in their novels. Now I understand why! You can’t describe something totally new without introducing entirely unique words.

New Quotes about Newness

Poor Marie Antoinette. She was having a relatively good life, going along enjoying her elaborate parties and BAM, she lost her head. Before she lost it, though, she did say some pretty brilliant things.

New Quotes about Newness

Can’t do a post with quotes about new beginnings without a quote specifically about a New Year, now can you? I love the sentiment in this one. Just think of all the wonderful new things that await us in the New Year!

Looking for more great quotes? Check out my Wonderful Words board on Pinterest!