This was going to be a Wordless Wednesday post, but I am incapable of being “wordless.” You should know this by now. So did you really think I wasn’t going to say anything about these pictures? Second, I got a new camera! Yay! I FINALLY splurged and bought myself a Canon Rebel.
I got the Canon EOS Rebel T3 12.2 MP CMOS Digital SLR with 18-55mm IS II Lens and EOS HD Movie Mode (affiliate link). That’s a lot of words for a camera. It was (still is) on sale for $389. I figured it was time, since I want to take better pictures. My son wasn’t home when it arrived, so the first pictures I took were of my pets. I have a lot of them. These aren’t even all of them, I’m missing two of my dogs from these pictures, but I didn’t want to be terribly overwhelming!
That handsome boy up top is Cooper, our rescue dog. We’ve had him about six years now, and he’s still convinced there is a chance he may not get fed, so he steals everything he can reach. I still blame his traumatic puppyhood on it. Right below him is Krystal the Guinea Pig. She has a sister, Charlotte. Charlotte is a spazz and doesn’t cooperate for pictures. Unless I have food, she thinks I’m there to kill her or something. When I have food, though, I am the ultimate in coolness.
That old lady is my cat Mally. She’s 17.5 years old now. I’ve had her since I was old enough to drink! I caught her mid-meow, so it looked like she was smiling. She meows a lot. I think she’s going a bit crazy. She begs for treats, eats them, the promptly forgets that she ate them and begs for more.
Miss Prue there is my mom’s cat. She lives with us (both my mom and the cat). She loves to howl in the middle of the night at nothing. Just to let us know that she’s thinking of us.
Willow is the baby cat, born almost exactly one year before my son. She’s not the friendliest kitty, unless your a guy. She loves my boyfriend Sal. She tolerates me. Still, I love her.
So those are the very first pictures with my new Canon Rebel. Not too shabby, right? Now if I could just get brave enough to take it off of auto mode! It has a lot of buttons. A LOT. I don’t understand ANY of them at this point. I’ll get there though!
Does anyone else have a Canon Rebel? I’d love some tips, links to resources, whatever you have. Or any DSLR really. Oh, and if you have any critiques of my pictures, go ahead and tell me. I need to learn, so don’t hold back. Well, I mean, don’t say “they suck” because I’ll totally cry, but seriously, if you have suggestions, I’m totally open to them!
Those are wonderful quality pictures! Krystal the Guinea Pig is the cutest!!
Thank you!! I finally got a good picture of her “sister” too, I’ll have to add that one next time.
I loved your pictures with your animals. What great photos and the clarity is amazing.
I finally upgraded my Lumix to a Canon as well but I got the Canon EOS Rebel SL1. I haven’t done any shots on auto but from what I see, your auto came out beautifully. I’ve been having fun playing around with the lens and have been able to get some great shots (outdoors) in P mode. You may want to get the Canon EOS Rebel T3 For Dummies. It will answer a lot of your questions and help you out a lot as well. I plan on getting the version related to me. 🙂
Cooper is so beautiful! That’s a great price for your camera, which is really good for photos by the way. Lol, don’t worry, you’ll ease out of auto mode soon! Just relax, have fun with it & take it 1 step at a time. Maybe give yourself a goal of reading or watching 1 tutorial per week to learn a new feature or skill for your camera model.
Oh, I DO love a new camera! I’m a Nikon girl myself, so I don’t have much to add, but congrats! Have fun with your new toy!
I would so love this camera! And I have a lot of animals too! 3 dogs and 2 birds!
cool stuff
The photos look great, and the camera sounds awesome…movie mode…I’d love to have one of these cameras. Thank you for sharing this post.
Very nice photos. I like the close ups.
Love all the photos
Adorable pics!
all pictures are of good quality
Wow that’s a lot of pets. I kinda want one now
I use manual mode all the time!