If you’ve been a regular reader, you probably know that I watch way more television than I should admit to. I mean, in a time where everyone is all “oh, we NEVER watch TV, we only do healthy activities,” here I am admitting that I have approximately 40 shows programmed to record on my DVR. Of course, some are summer-only shows and others are back-up shows for when my favorites are on hiatus. I don’t actually watch 40 shows every week! More like 20.
I think my love of television springs from a very media-centric family. My grandfather worked on the Miss America pageants way back in the 50s. My aunt spent years working for major media conglomerates out in LA throughout most of my childhood, and even my ex-husband worked in television (news, but still). Maybe it has something to do with my need to escape the mundane for a few hours a week. I read obsessively too, and both mediums have one thing in common: they let you be somewhere else for a little while.
TV is just more fun with friends!
I typically watch TV with my mom. It’s our bonding time. Aside from one or two things, we both watch pretty much all the same shows. We run pretty much the full gambit of genres, from detective shows like Criminal Minds (which, oh my goodness, makes me scared to leave my house sometimes!) to new hits like Believe. We’re both huge fans of Grimm. Funny because we never got to watch it when it first came on, it conflicted with other shows. Then over the summer we watched the first two seasons of that and Revenge. Now we’re hooked on both.
While I do love discussing shows with my mom, I also enjoy hearing what others think of the latest episodes. Beamly is this really cool app and website that lets you talk about all your favorite shows with people from all over the world. The site has rooms for just about every major TV show. It’s a fun way to connect with other fans and to try to predict what will happen next!
I am really new over there and would absolutely LOVE you forever if you joined me! Just click here, set up an account (it takes seconds) and follow me! Let me know which rooms you’ll be joining and I’ll stalk you…er, I mean, I’ll come hang out with you. Since I’m brand new to Beamly, as soon as I watched I ran over to the Grimm Room to find out if anyone else had anything to say about it. I don’t want to give any spoilers for those who aren’t caught up, but let’s just say you’ll be left thinking that whatever Adalind dishes out in the future, she’s earned a bit of payback!
Want to learn more about Beamly? Check out this super funny video. One thing, though, they do drop an “f” bomb at the end of the video, so don’t watch with kids around.
Beamly is THE 24 X 7 social and content network for TV and TV fans. Join me today in TV conversations and get the latest juice and gossip about your favorite shows!
This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Beamly. The opinions and text are all mine.
This sounds great! We don’t watch very much TV, but if we did, this would be something to look into.
This is really neat! My family doesn’t watch many of the shows I watch so it would be cool to be able to discuss them with someone.
This is awesome. My husband doesn’t really like a lot of the shows that I watch so it would be nice for him to share the experience with me.
now this is awesome – i rarely even open the tv nowadays lol