What is it like to recover from a hysterectomy? Check out my totally un-sugar-coated truth about what to expect hours, days, and even years after the surgery.
I originally starting writing this post on what it is like to recover from a hysterectomy a week after my surgery. Everything was going fine at that point. On Sunday, I ended up in the hospital with a fever from what I thought was a bladder infection. Turned out to be a post-op infection AND a bladder infection. I was in the hospital for four days. After all that, I thought, maybe I’m not the best person to talk about recovering from a hysterectomy! I don’t want to freak anyone out!
Rather than go into detail about that, I’m going to stick with what I originally wrote. This is about the first week post-op, and is pretty “typical.” Of course, when it comes to medical procedures, we’re all so different that there really is no “typical.” Anyway, this is the totally honest, sometimes TMI version of what it’s like to recover from a hysterectomy during the first week and beyond.
What to expect immediately after your hysterectomy
Pain. Oh my gods, the pain. I’m not sugar-coating for you, it hurt like freaking hell. I remember waking up and hearing the nurse ask how I was feeling. I remember telling her “confused and in pain.” I must have looked really horrible because they kept shooting me full of dilaudid. So much so, in fact, that my blood pressure almost bottomed out! It felt like someone had torn apart my insides, which they kind of did.
Once they got the pain under control, they discovered that my kidneys didn’t “kick back in” properly. Not sure what that means, since I didn’t realize they were shut off, but it basically meant getting stuck with the catheter overnight while the pumped me full of fluids. I didn’t sleep the first night. At all. Well, maybe 10 minutes here and there, but that’s it. That’s even after I told the nurse to shoot some Benedryl into my IV to knock me out! By the way, Benedryl burns going in.
Related: 5 Must-Have Products to Make Life Easier After Surgery
What to expect during the first few days as you recover from a hysterectomy
The first day after surgery, the nurse took out the cath and told me I could go home when I peed a magic amount of pee. Do you know how hard it is to pee after being cathed? For me, it takes a lot of effort. I forced out enough to get to go home. Once home, I cried on the toilet for 35 minutes trying to empty my bladder. It took a good day to get all that back to normal.
Then came the constipation. When you’re taking percocet round the clock, you get REALLY backed up. Plus, you’re afraid that one wrong push is going to burst apart your insides or something. Not a good combination. I tried stool softeners and laxatives. I tried taking my reading glasses in the bathroom and catching up on the latest editions of Family Fun and Parents magazine. I tried changing my positions and putting my legs up, leaning back, contorting my body in the strangest angles that the pain would allow.
Finally, I went. Yay! Never, ever, ever in my life have I been so happy to go number two! Then it started all over again. Two days without going, one day going and feeling like having a party, and so on. My poor hiney hurts. Hey, I promised honesty!
Aside from major bathroom challenges, the pain is intense. I ended up getting behind it instead of in front of it because I was afraid I’d run out of pain meds before the pain stopped. In my area, we have a major opiate addiction problem, so doctors are really stingy with meds even when people really need them. I tried to ration them so I’d make sure they lasted longer. Here’s my advice: don’t do that. Take the freaking medication as directed, even if you think you’re so tough you can handle the pain, because once that pain gets ahead of you, there is no going back.
I told my good friend, Adelina Rosa of Matter of Cents, that it felt like someone was playing hockey inside my abdomen. She said that was a good way to describe it. It’s pretty much the only way I can think of to explain the level of pain you’ll feel when you recover from a hysterectomy that first week. Sometimes it’s worse that others. There were times that I could sit at the computer for a good half hour before feeling like I was going to keel over and die. Other times, a five-foot walk across the room left me exhausted.
Which brings me to that point: you will be tired. Super freaking tired. The anesthesia takes a few days to completely wear out of your system, so expect to spend the first half the week after surgery in a complete haze. I somehow managed to write a post that was due during that time and make it completely coherent. To me, that’s practically a miracle. I also did a Twitter party four days after surgery, again, a miracle. It took 5 days for my brain to suddenly feel clear.
After the first five days, you start to feel almost normal. I mean, it still hurts, a lot. If you can manage to not end up with an infection of some sort (my surgeon told me I was his first patient in four years to get one), by the end of the first week you’ll be able to start functioning almost like a normal person. Of course, it takes a while for the pain to completely go away, and I’m not really at that point yet.
2018 Update: What to expect beyond the first days
So, it’s been almost 4 years since I wrote the first part of this post. I figured it’s way overdue for an update! Okay, you’ve made it through the first week, the pain is starting to subside, and you think life is getting back to normal. For the most part, it is. However, there are a few things that may come up even years later that surprise you.
You’ll still have PMS
First, if you kept your ovaries (like I did), remember that you’ll still have your hormones. While you won’t get your period anymore, you’ll still get all the emotional PMS symptoms once a month! I say to remember this because once a month you’ll feel like you’re going crazy…until you realize that it’s “that time” of the month! While you most likely won’t forget during the first few months, years will go by and you’ll suddenly forget, lol. You’ll find yourself bawling over something mundane like spilled milk, or snapping at your significant other for having the audacity to ask how your day is going. You’ll think “what is wrong with me???” You might even make an appointment to see a therapist! Then it will hit you: it’s “that time.”
It’s even harder to figure out when “that time” is when you start hitting menopause! I’m 42 now, and I can feel the symptoms. Hot flashes are weird, my friends. Like, one minute you’re freezing, and the next you feel like someone turned up the heat to 1,000 degrees. During the early stages, you can go months without PMS (although you might have other types of mood swings), then all of the sudden, you’re back to crying over spilled milk again. The plus side, though (and this is a HUGE plus): no more “climb the wall screaming in pain” cramps. I’ll take the surprise mood swings over that any day!
Babies will occasionally hit you where it hurts (figuratively speaking)
When I made the decision to have my hysterectomy, I swore I was done having babies. It took me 6 years to get pregnant with my son. I had severe preeclampsia and he was 8 weeks early. He broke his arm during delivery. I got an infected c-section incision and had to get my wound packed for 6 weeks. His conception and birth alone traumatized me for life. I couldn’t imagine doing it again…right up until having another child was taken completely off the table.
About 99% of the time, I’m really okay with that. I was 38 when I had my hysterectomy, so I was nearing the end of my baby making years, anyway. Still, every now and then, I’ll see a baby and get that pang, that sudden burst of sadness that there is absolutely no way I can bring life into the world again.
You won’t regret it
Even though I do sometimes get a little sad, I don’t regret my decision to have a hysterectomy at such a relatively young age. Before my hysterectomy, I’d spend days each month curled up on my bed sobbing and clutching my gut, waiting for the ibuprofen to kick in so I could start to function. Since my hysterectomy, I only experience that torture when I eat too much spicy guacamole! I can honestly say that I do not miss my uterus at all.
Do you have any other tips or experiences to add? Join the conversation in the comments section! Some fabulous ladies have already gotten the ball rolling!
Thank you for this. I just found out that I have to have a hysterectomy and I appreciate all of the heads up!
I’m sorry to hear that, but I’m glad to be helpful. Be sure to give yourself time to recover and relax.
Will do. One more week until surgery 🙂 reading your post again. I feel prepared!
Am in so much pain because I went through c-section for my baby and due to bleeding, hysterectomy was done on me without my knowledge and I didn’t get my baby too because he die. Am in too much pain I feel I don’t have anything in this world anymore
I am so sorry to read that🥺 May God give you the strength and health to keep going. your little angel will be with you everyday.
This is so terrible it’s only God who can comfort you dear one
I’m so sorry you went through this. I see the post is over a year ago. I pray you’re doing well.
Hey guys my name is Kaitlyn (29yrs). I am 7 days post op and wanted to share my experience. First 4 days were pure HELL do to the co2 gas. I had abdominal and vaginal hysto with a cyctocele repair.. i have been in a huge haze thankful my mother has been able to monitor all my meds and help me with my daughter (2 1/2yrs) my biggest advice is no matter how much yoga poses on the floor hurt n okay it with your dr but that’s how I got rid of the gas pains walking with yoga I finally figure out Day 4 then I felt GREAT over did it great just relax heal no matter how good you think you feel you had major surgery don’t take it lightly.
Oh my God, you just described in detail my first week after surgery you did not missed any details.
All this time I was questioning if everything was ok with me.
Now I now that everything is happening the way it should, I think I’m on track to my recovery.
I had a supracervical hysterectomy 3 years ago. I kept my cervix and ovaries. After my surgery I went home the next day…. went to the grocery store on my way home from the hospital even. I didn’t even finish my pain medication and was out walking by the end of the week. The only bothersome issue I had is you feel pressure in your bladder for a good period of time. My scar healed wonderfully, they used the same incision site as my cesarean. I realize my experience is possibly rare but I wish all of you the same experience I had. Best decision I ever made! Living a carefree life that no longer needs to be scheduled by what time of the month it is.
That is amazing! I’m so glad your recovery went so well! Do you notice that even though you don’t have to worry about that time of the month as far as planning goes, you still find yourself getting PMS every month? It took me a while to figure out why I was getting so grumpy once a month still, lol.
I didn’t have pain at all – just a heavy feeling and a bit sore. I stopped Panadol after 3 days and the week after surgery was feeling almost back to normal! I had none of the problems as above and I’m grateful!
What I’d say ladies is research your surgeon!!
How do you know you won’t regret it. I regret mine big time my bowels have never been the same i was off work for six months… Its typical a women is past her child bearing years take het junk out forgetting to mention… your pelvic floor is loads weaker recovery is whey longer then they tell you.
This is all great “real” info
I had abdominal hysterectomy had everything removed one week after surgery talked dr into giving me medical release to go bk to work HUGE MISTAKE just because your feeling betterISH is not a get out of jail free card . I ended up busting internal stitches had internal bleeding ended up bk in hospital for a week had another surgery they literally had to cut me back open and if you thought it hurt like hell first time don’t recommend a second. This was the worst pain of my life they had to clean my bladder and intestines and removed my appendix. Recovery sucks I’m now 4 weeks out from 2nd surgery and still in pain still hard to do anything.
Listen to everyone let your body rest and heal don’t be hard headed , except help from those who care about you ! Rest ,take the stool softener ,take the pain medicine ,because we are not invincible!
I’m so sorry you had such a horrible experience but just to let Deb and any others know it’s not always the case. Sadly I think you had the worst case scenario 🙁
I had my laparoscopic hysterectomy done on Feb 5, 2016 and they had to remove my left ovary. I was lucky because my husband requested pain mess for me after surgery( I mumbled I needed something). Once the morphine was given I was in heaven only it knocked me out so I slept a lot!
I did stay overnight. They removed the catheter before I woke up and all I had to do was fart before they’d allow me to go home.
I didn’t poop for 3 days but also I hadn’t eaten a lot of food since pre surgery. Before surgery (a few months before) I changed my bad diet and ate healthy and high fibre and the fist thing I ate at home was an apple with skin for fibre. Make sure you drink LOTS of water. I’m not kidding. As long as I drink 2.5+ litres a day things are moving along nicely with no pain.
The hardest part of recovery for me is resting. I hate not being able to do things especially when I feel ok. Hence the reason I’m hurting today 🙁 . I was feeling great and now since I pushed myself too much I’m paying for it now. So anyone having this done PLEASE listen to Nicole and myself and don’t push it and rest like your dr says! I’m not able to return to work for a total of 6 weeks since I have a physically demanding job so I have to really rest.
Oh ya, another thing is the exhaustion you most likely will feel even after the 4-6 week recovery time. That I wasn’t prepared for. Make sure you rest and sleep when needed!
Thanks, Michelle. I’ll be sure to drink lots of water and my husband has strict instructions, lol. Yay pain meds!
I am on week 4 and definitely feel a lot better but am still completely exhausted. I do not have a physically demanding job but it is mentally demanding. At week 4, I am only able to work a couple of hours a day. Sleeping is my biggest challenge. I had hysterectomy and removal of my right ovary and appendix. Every time I try to sleep on my side, I feel like my organs are all tumbling around inside pulling on internal stitches. I have heard a lot of people feel like that.
Still not 100% successful in the bathroom area without softener assistance. But I will tell you that I had a squatty potty the first few weeks and that helped a lot.
Listen ladies- most of us probably aren’t good at resting but we really need to. So REST! I am trying to be better about it. When I don’t, my tummy swells up and I feel like I am going to explode!
Can anyone tell me if they battled with the scar. I’m three weeks post op. Stitches are out and was given microspore plaster to change every 5 days. It has given me such a rash and my scar is so dry under the plaster. Feels like never ending pain of various proportions.
I had my hysterectomy on March 16th 2016. It was done with the Davinci robot, and I had a comple hysterectomy, including the cervix due to endometrial cancer. My pain after the surgery was an 8 , using the 1 to 10 pain scale. I stayed over night, so it was well regulated by Dilaudin. I went home the next day probably around a 6, with oxy for pain. The first night at home was painful if I had to stand from low places, toilet, arm chairs, etc…..but I if I sat still I t was not too bad. The second day after, as long as I took the pain meds on a regular basis I could move around fairly comfortable. Moving my bowels was hard as I did not want to bear down, but finally went but it was not pleasant. Everyday I felt better until five days out I just s t had crampy feeling and my incision sites itched. I am one 3 weeks from surgery and still have mild cramps when I am active all day. I am still tired, but rest between activity. Overall, it was not too bad, I am sorry for the ladies who had such a h hard time. I think the key is to get up and walk as soon as MD allows you.
Hello! I had my hysterectomy at age 62. I was post-menopausal but dealing with out of control hot flashes on a daily basis for several months. I was put on HRT which caused vaginal bleeding for almost a year. Not every day. Once a month. Then, twice a month. Then, non-stop. My uterine lining kept getting thicker. That’s got a fancy name: endometrial hyperplasia. Once the bleeding became non-stop, I put on the brakes and pleaded for a hysterectomy. I got what I wanted on November 18th, 2019. I had it done laparascopically. I have 3 small incisions. But make no mistake, a lot went on in the inside! I had to stay one night. I was able to pee and poop the day after surgery. This is Day #3 and my pain comes and goes in waves. Luckily, usually a few hours apart. I am eating a regular diet, with lots of fiber and fluids. Please do not underestimate the need for those 2 things! I see my doctor in about a week and a half for my post-op visit. I admit, my recovery has not been as bad as some of you. Plus, I will not get depressed because I am not bleeding anymore!!!!! I feel better emotionally than I have in the past year and a half. I really am taking my recovery seriously. I have seen that many of you are much younger than myself. Please don’t ignore your emotional state. Get help if you need it. There is no shame in that. I was diagnosed with depression in 1998. Anyway, I’ve rambled on enough. My thoughts are with all of you going through this.
Hi I am18 days post op I used magnesium glycinate two capsules once a day to help me poop. The first week I felt good and I did laundry and cooked and cleaned. I was really exhausted after and learned from my mistake. I feel heaviness in my lower abdomen and itching to the incision site. I wasn’t given opioids after surgery I was given ibuprofen and nothing else . I am learning to relax and take it easy. When I peep there is a lot of pressure and sometimes pain but I thank God I never developed any infection and never experienced constipation.
Thanks for the info, I’m day 5 post-op and still have the fuzzy brain and fatigue, there is hope! I manage my pain with 800mg of Motrin after 4 days on Percocet.
4 days post-op over and doing pretty well. Pain is so much more manageable than I thought it would be. Then again I had ten pound babies and an episiotomy from hell so this may even be easier, but, I still haven’t gone to the bathroom, starting to worry about little. I haven’t missed a stool softener dose since my surgery, drinking lots of water and last night I tried drinking magnesium citrate because I read it can help. We shall see! I’m also walking around hoping to get things moving. Did anyone have nightmares? Friends are saying it’s the pain meds. Not fun but I guess that will pass. I had hot flashes two nights in a row but not last night {still have ovaries} fortunately. Now if I could just poo! LOL 😉
The Magnesium Citrate worked like a charm, ladies! If only I had known about it right away. I drank one little bottle last night with water and finally went to the bathroom this morning. Ahhhhh 🙂 pass it on. Mine was lemon flavored. Sort of tastes like mineral water with way too much flavoring but I didn’t care, totally worth it. .98 at Walmart.
I just had my surgery on the 28th of March 21016. The catheter was fine in, but once removed it hurt to urinate. I drink about a gallon of water a day and that helps a lot. The pain is now gone, but it still hurts having a bowel movement. I drink prune juice (half a bottle daily) with my food and take a stool softener. I find this helps a lot. Defitenetely agree that the walking helps also. I try a little further each day. I never realized the pain one could get from a backed up system till now!!! I am greatful to see that I am not the only one going through this. I am only taking 400mg motrin for pain, because I could not go through the bowel pain of a stronger pain killer. The motrin numbs me enough. I have to remind myself to use the bathroom, because my body no longer is telling me to. I understand this will go away with healing. Thanks for the support talk! I am felling better knowing that I am not alone!!
I had the same operation ladies on the 15th of March! I am now 4 weeks into recuperation, laying low with a fair amount of walking. I find I still get tired and dread the thought of going back to work full force…yikes! The pain meds have worked wonders during this period.
I have found I have had nightmares only when I’ve overslept end above and beyond the norm.
My best to all of you and please take it easy on yourself. I wake up every morning thinking I can’t believe I made it through all that!
Hi again, 8 days out and was just attacked with intense rectal pain, oh my gosh I saw stars! I read it’s because the intestines take up the space where uterus was and some can actually feel bowels pressing against things. I’m guessing that’s what I felt. Haven’t needed pain meds regularly lately but you can bet I took one, haa. Feeling better, thank you, Lord. I’m not backed up or anything, it just seemed to come out of nowhere and happened right after I went to the bathroom. Watch out for that and don’t panic, just rock yourself through the pain. I really appreciate all you ladies and sharing your stories. Time for a nap, phew!
I had my hysterectomy done on March 22, 2016. I took hydrocodone for first 2 weeks every 4 hrs because of pain. I ended up not being able to move my bowels even when I knew I had to. I’ve been taking a stool softener and sometimes with the laxative.I stopped the pain medication 3 days ago and am dealing with pain using Tylenol. I have moved bowels several times. Still taking stool softener! (Cannot use Motrin.) I use a Boppy pillow on my belly pretty much all the time! Love it. I read somewhere that you should put make up on every day. It does make you feel better! Just take one day at a time. I had them take everything. I’m 50…by the way..hot flashes should be called hot hours! They aren’t a flash. Just think how much we will feel better after our recovery period. Take care!
I’ve been putting make up on, just a little, every other day when friends are bringing food. It’s been good for me! Please try the Magnesium Citrate drink if you’re still stopped up. Only took one 10 ounce bottle for me and I’ve been fine ever since on the same medicine. I am 12 days post-op.
Deff need waterproof mascara! Lol
having my surgery next week and I am terrified of the pain. more so of the pain meds. I am not a med person. would rather suffer the pain than the side effects of the meds. husband may have to sneak them into foods, lol. I have weird side effects to pain meds. unfortunately due to the nature of my C-section, I will not be able to go at this the easy way. already told I will be in hospital for three days. looking forward to a painless future but looks like I will have to endure just a bit more. thank you for the heads up.
Hi am about to have ” the Op” and would like to say thank you girls for all the info ! I live in Australia so not familiar with the name of some of the medicines you describe however you have given me a good heads up ! ?
Hi Ladies! How long have you waited to take bath? My doc says 6 weeks but I’m dying, lol. It’s been 4 1/2 and I keep reading different doctors just have different opinions. 2 wks, 4 wks, 6 wks. My episiotomy is still sore, stitches gone, sensitive. I just want to soak! Thanks 🙂
I am 57& had a radical hysterectomy 4 weeks tomorrow. So far, so good with the exception of a severe burning sensation across the incision site. It hurts to have anything against it & nothing seems to help ease the pain. Any suggestions from anyone with similar problem?
I can’t comment on the burning incision site since I had only 4 laprscopic incisions that didn’t bother me. I did want to pass on my well wished to you Debi Hartt and all the other ladies. I’m doing great at 6 months post op. The only thing I get is kind of like a pulling/tugging discomfort where my ovaryeas removed. It usually only happens when I push my self physically(moved 6 weeks ago).
I am really glad you commented and mentioned about the pulling. I get that too, but I didn’t even think to associate it with the surgery. I thought I was just still getting cysts all the time. Now, that makes more sense. Other than that, though, even with complications, I do feel a lot better. It is SO nice to not have screaming killer cramps every single month. I used to lay in my bed just rolling back and forth begging the meds to kick in.
I have my first check up in 12 days and the nerves are back. Praying everything will be fine.
Hugs to all you warrior ladies ?
Sending you good thoughts for a great checkup!! I hope everything is perfectly fine.
Hey I’m Krissy I’m three days post op and I’m in so much pain… I tried not to take the meds crazy right… I just took one so I know in a few I’ll be in a far off place .. I’m praying for a speedy recovery
Thanks Nicole. I’m super happy not to have those dibilitating cramps also! I’m just SO thankful for my medical team that took my concerns seriously and therefore they were abe to detect and treat the cancer and that I can now have many more years with my husband. Check up is tomorrow and the nerves are mounting.
Hugs to everyone.
How did you check up go? I hope everything went perfectly!
I had a total hysterectomy because my uterus weighed 8lbs and was the size of a football. I am 45 yrs old. This was because of fibroid tumors filling my uterus. I also lost both ovaries. The dr had to make a very large incision due to the size of my uterus. I am cut from hip bone to hip bone. I am 12 days post op and feel great except itching and stingy of incision.
I have an Estrogen patch and take Ibuprofen 800 and OxyContin 325. Most days I can go with no pills but I always take them at night. I feel so much more healthy since the surgery. I’ve lost 10lbs, my belly is flatter and I can breath deeply for the first time in years. I am sorry so many of you have experienced bad pain. Once they took the staples out my pains been about a 3 since.
Oh wow, 8lbs? Goodness! I’m glad you are feeling great now post-op! My uterus had a fibroid the size of the uterus itself right on top of it. All the doctors I saw before brushed it off. Fibroids don’t usually cause pain, they said. Um, if I’m in your office and the hospital every month screaming in pain, then I think that theory is a bit off! Maybe it was the adenomyosis causing the pain, but I find it hard to believe that it didn’t occur to the first three doctors a giant ball of whatever sitting on top of my uterus was maybe part of the problem!
OH wow Tammy. I’m so glad you’re feeling better. That must have been very difficult and painful to have that size due to fibroids. I’m so happy to hear that you’re recovery is going so well!
My appointment went AWESOME! I’m so happy. I got a clear test. It feels amazing to get my first clear. I still have to be screened every 6 months for 5 years but I’m looking to it in a positive way.
Btw Nicole, I spoke with my Dr./Surgeon about the “pulling” feeling and she confirmed that it was just the muscles and tendons and had nothing to do with a problem with the surgery.
Hi Michelle thsnk you for confirming that the pulling feeling is from the tendons I was starting to worry as I had surgery 3 weeks ago and I’m ha ing those feeling slots as well as burning sensation around the bully area.
I am day 3 post op and I don’t feel as bad as I was expecting. Dat 2 I went for a walk… bad idea! I only have a week off work and I am not regretting not taking longer. I don’t think I’ll be ready to get back into the swing of things. I had a vaginal hysterectomy on oct 4th. No complications she took everything except my ovaries. thank you from this blog it put things into prospective.
Only 1 week off! I was told it would be a min of 6 weeks but closer to 8 but that was also due to my job (I own a high end residential cleaning buisness). Even if I had an office job I couldn’t have imagined wiring in 1 week. I was soooooooooo exhausted like nothing I’ve ever felt before and it was not comfortable to sit for any length of time. I’m glad the pain isn’t as bad as you thought
I’m 32 years old had abdominal hysterectomy May 19 2017. Removing the uterus and cervix( uterine cancer)I had an epidural was in the hospital for 2 1/2 days. First day I was so numb from the pain medication I thought I could sit up and walk with my Iv pole to the end of the hall of the hospital. The pain medication had me feeling like I was super woman. Second day I was feeling pretty good so they removed epidural ask if I wanted anything for pain. I was feeling pretty numb still. Never took anything for pain. I tell ya I wished I had. 6 hours after getting epidural out I was in the worst pain ever. I had pervious 3 c section babies. The pain I felt was nothing I felt before. It felt as if someone was inside grabbing your sides and squeezing and pinching at the same time. The nurse gave me something for the pain as soon as i ask but the medication couldn’t kick in fast enough. I never slept well that night but by the next afternoon the nurse had me up and peeing the magic amount to go home. I stayed on clear liquid diet for the first couple days at home and gradually work my way up to more in my diet. I was having to take painkillers every 6 hours and taking extra strength Advil every 3 hours. The pain for the first week is awful. Second week gets better each day. I’m now going on my 4th week and I still have rough days. From my experience all I can say is take painkillers when directed too, rest lots, don’t do anything you shouldn’t before time cause I didn’t follow instructions completely 2 week I reopen my incision by lifting over my weight limit. I am still fatigued most days.Do lots of walking even if you can just walk around the house is great. Drink lots of water and try to stay away from junk food and lots of sugar items. Help ease a bit for the first bowel movement. Sneezing and coughing still hurts.
Hope you’re feeling better now Jessica.
I couldn’t agree more with the water drinking and healthy eating. Anything to make things easier.
I’m coming up to my 1 1/2 year check up and even though it’s all been clear so far I’m still nervous. Thinking of all my hister sisters . Stay strong.
It’s Friday, 3:54 a.m. I had my hysterectomy, sans ovaries, on Tuesday. I stayed one night at the hospital, essentially zero sleep, chasing the pain – thank you Toradol and Dilauded for being a wonderful combination for me. Morphine did not work for me. At all. Switched to Percocet just before discharge. I didn’t have any problems with the catheter or with peeing afterwards. The gas though – my abdomen feels like it’s about to explode. I’m terrified that if I push to poop or pass gas that my stitches will pop. I’m awake at this hour because you can take your Percocet every 4 hours – so do you try to get good sleep and then chase the pain in the morning or do you sleep for 4 hrs at a time and take your meds to keep the pain at bay? I’d rather avoid the pain. Looking forward to a shower tomorrow, praying for a bowel movement, would like to eat something other than apples, saltines and water. Exhausted after writing this.
I hope you are feeling better by now. I remember the gas pains being excruciating but in time they so get better. Walking is key to dealing with that and helping them pass easier and preventing them
I hope that your recovery has gotten better by now. I remember the gas pains being excruciating but in time they do get better. Walking is key to dealing with that and helping them pass easier and preventing them.
Thank you for being so candid, hearing the realism has been helpful.
It has been very helpful reading everyones comments, I am due to have a hysterectomy in 7 weeks. Feeling nervous and excited.
I am on day 19 of post op (also age 38) . I kept my ovaries but had my uterus and cervix taken out abdominally, they cut along my c section line. I still can’t walk fast, pain creeps up on me if I walk too much. I am going stir crazy inside though, I want to exercise and be active….I know the day will come soon enough, but I just can’t believe how much this surgery knocked me on my ass
I hope that you are back on your feet soon! I know it’s hard to just sit and do nothing all day, I got major cabin fever, too. Just don’t push it. I swear, I did that with both my c-section and my hysterectomy, and ended up with issues both times. Feel better!!
Day 3 of post-op. I had a robot assisted Laparoscopic total hysterectomy (uterus and cervix) and
Total salpingectomy (fallopian tube removal). I had been suffering from abnormal uterine bleeding weeks at a time with large clots. I finally made an appointment. Went through blood tests, ultrasounds, and biopsies. I had fibroids, a cervical mass and cysts. So, a hysterectomy was the remedy. I was in pain and very tired the first day. The gas pain was the worst. I went home the next afternoon after the catheter was removed and I could pee on my own (that was no problem). I also had to eat another meal and pass gas. I went home with Norco and Motrin. I only took 1 of the Norco-not a fan of narcotics. I haven’t taken any Motrin today. I also had stool softeners. I have had bowl movements. I’m trying to walk around the house and rest too. Drinking water and eating light. I am also using a compression belt when I’m awake. I feeling okay, just not getting good sleep. Very uncomfortable in any position. I was able to shower the next day. Overall, im glad I had this done. I’m looking forward to getting back to normal.
Hey ladies! I’m 30 years old & hoping to have a hysterectomy within the next few months if everything goes as planned. I currently have a 7month old baby,did anyone have small children to take care of during recovery? I’ll have my spouse & family to help but what about when they all go back to work?
Hopeless is what I feel like sometimes eventhough I’ve multiple surgeries before. But blogs like this one has helped me tremendously hence why I’m choosing to submit now. I’m a lil over 2 weeks post op. I had everything taken except ovaries. This experience has been different for me. I thought I’d feel relief afterwards, but I find myself feeling angry or less tolerant of foolishness, less patient…something that you can’t disclose to people when they ask you, how’s your recovery? How you doing? How’s your pain level? I’m usually strong and fast to recover but this surgery has challenged me. I still hurt especially if I laugh, sneeze or cough. The vaginal cuff feels like a stopped up lingering pain, just enough to want to slap someone. The laparascopic incisions aren’t a problem at all. But underneath the layers of skin, still has me taking Tylenol like clockwork. I’ve never taken so much in my whole life. I only took 3 pills of motrin (because I’m not supposed to) but did the 1st 3 days post op, after that, I just took Tylenol. The initial post op pain felt like a burning pain, so chose to take the ibuprofen to ban against inflammation. The ladies in previous comments are so right about the stool softners and fluids. And the exhaustion reminds me when I was on bedrest after giving birth to my son. I was down for 2 months literally…he bust me open and I felt oh so helpless. I find myself even now falling asleep at any given moment, it’s like my body just clocks out or shuts down at will. That’s kind of scary to me, especially as a wife and a mother of a toddler. I feel like I should be normal by now,but perceive that I’m nowhere near that reality. Though I’m going back to work and sitting at my desk, for half days, I’m still horrified at the thought of going back period. It all just feels different now. Oh how I wish I could win the lottery, so I can stay put for at least a year. In addition to my body healing; somehow, I feel I need healing in other areas as well. Sorry, if this is chatty, but hoping this helps someone else, as other posts have assisted me. Happy healing and restoration to every woman who has had to go through this regardless of the reason. We are still us y’all: beautiful, strong, intelligent, fierce, resilient and God made us that way! (Sometimes you have to remind yourself as you encourage others)
I had a total hysterectomy and spigectomy. Sorry if I spelt it wrong. Plus fibroids removed. Emotional I’m ok I was prepared but it’s 26 days and the pain is still hard to tolerate even taking pain killers. Prior to surgery I was 1405and now weigh 56kg. So I have excess skin which I imagine could contribute to pain. I’m not sure. But I had expectations I would be up and driving by now. I walk as much as I can. Am I doing anything wrong. Thankyou to your posts it gives me peace and hope.
Hi everyone…Iam 37 years old,
I had a hysterectomy a few months ago. First 2 weeks I needed the most help.its been approx 4 months since surgery, Im feeling 100%. I do still experience PMS, mood swings and episodes of regret but overall Im happy Im not experiencing the pain before surgey. I had 14 inch around tumor inside my utterus.
Thank you everyone for sharing your story
I just had a hysterectomy 2 weeks ago but had to be readmitted to hospital due to fever. Turns out I got an infection due to abscesses in my abdomen, so dr think. They treated with antibiotics via IV in hopsital for 5 days and now discharged with oral antibiotics. Had abyone experienced this? Any insight is appreciated as I am very concerned.
I had a total histerectomy on March 6th because of tumors. Turns out all my pain, blood clots, and abnormal periods were because I had ovarian and endometrial cancer. The pain pre-surgery had gotten so bad that I was living off of ibuprofen before I finally went to the gyno and said “help, I hurt all the time.” I was referred to a gyno-onco surgeon who did a physical exam that actually shifted the tumor inside me. This increased the pain 100-fold. Turns out it was because the tumor that used to be my right ovary was resting on my large intestine, which meant I could not poop, which produced the intense and constant pain. It took me what I feel is too long to connect those dots. (Eat – can’t pass anything – intense, diffusion pain – pitifully small poop – slight relief. Repeat.) It was only 3 weeks between the time I met the surgeon and my actual operation. I was in hospital for 3.5 days. Catheter was removed day 2. I can only tell I need to urinate when bladder is painfully full. Passed gas on day 3 but opted to stay one more night because of fear and exhaustion. My mom and sister helped get me through week one. Night shift and day shift because I rather take pain meds than skip a dose. I have ibuprofen (Motrin), Acetaminophen (Tylenol) and Oxycodone. I only take the narcos at bed time. I am also on blood thinners (daily injection). Unfortunately all of my biopsies were not negative for cancer, so I have chemo in my near future. But I am so happy to be on the other side of the surgery and all of the pain I had lived with for years is finally over. I get down some days and cry but most of the time I am okay. I hope my story helps someone out there.
I forgot to mention, the gas was scary painful. It felt like I would explode from the inside as another post mentioned. Laxatives. Laxatives, and Beano. I also got a compression belt which really helps a lot now that I am in week 2 post-op. My incision has not completely healed. This is because I am an obese person with a pendullus belly. So I highly recommend the compression belt to larger ladies out there. It helps me to sit, stand, supports me when I poop, and provides support to my back that I just wasn’t getting from hugging a pillow. This belt helps me feel normal. I have some independence back that I just didn’t have in week 1.
Lastly, I am 33 y.o. and I do not have any children.
I have read all your stories and everyone situation is different. Thank you Nicole for kick starting this thread. First of all I would say it is nice to share our idea and thoughts and that is what took me through my surgery, other people’s situation, everyone pain threshold is absolutely different. I had a total hysterectomy with ovaries removed. I am 45 but I already have 3 kids 1 in university studying nursing which was so helpful to me pre and post surgery another a teacher and a 8 year old. I also had ovarian cancer and fibroids issue. The oc was just touching first stage so that was spotted quickly (know your body) that really helps me. Earlier in 2018 I started having pain in my sides and it feels like the pain is under my left breast at times. My sister who is a doctor lives in Jamaica said to me its Gerd and I should get my doc to run some tests on me.
Prior to what my sister said I went to my doc and they gave me meds for stomach ulcer and that didn’t really work so I told him what my sis said and he changed meds and it worked with the change of my diet that is dairy free products cut some vegetable with acid like tomato. And I was a bit better.
The summer I went to Florida for my holiday and while on my holiday I was bleeding continuously with clots. When I returned to the UK I went back to my doc but this time the pain came back and I had to mention the bleeding as well.
The doc then referred me to have a scan which was the 28th August. The scan said my kidney’s were fine. Instead they found a few fibroids 5cm, 7cm etc. I went back to my doc and was still complaining a few days later. He then requested an appointment for a check with the gynae but when I went she did not like the fact she was feeling my fibroids too low on my cervix. She ran some test which hurt some much I actually had to hold on to the nurse had and scream. The Gynae realised I had a coil in but she could not feel the string so she sent me for another scan to locate it was still in position.
The CT scan was booked in October when I went the fibroids had gone bigger and they had located the string obviously hidden under parts of my internal organs. The radiologist did not like what she saw from the scan she said it looks worrying so they then forward me on to do a MRI that was 4 weeks later (how fortunate I was to get early dates).
They did their bit and the doc called me back to discuss the scan. He saw Sarcoma etc and I was referred to Birmingham the biggest consultant that deals with Oncology issues for Gynae. I was called back in 2 weeks later by the Gynae Oncologist to discuss why I was sent to Birmingham as there my surgery would have took place if it came to the worst. But as a believer of Faith I know it wouldn’t God wouldn’t let that happen to me.
So he discussed the plans which is the total hysterectomy and what it entails. He then gave me an appointment letter with a new date with the Gynse Onco in Birmingham.
2 days prior Christmas I got a call that I need to come another scan this one now is the blue CT scan (which will check how far the cancer had spread.) This was the day after boxing day. Drinking 2 litres of water in the process with the donut goes around your body scanning everywhere. I went in did my scan and went home. Another letter came changing from the doctor in Birmingham back to my original doctor. So I rang the hospital to check what was going on because I had 2 appointments at this point.
I was told I was returned to my original doc as the surgery can be done there.
I had my appointment the last week in January and was told at that point I won’t be on any waiting list my surgery date would be given the same day. I was sent to another department of which I was given a date for the following week (yep that quick) after which all the pre ops were done the same day.
I only had a week or less to for my hysterectomy. I arrived 6.50 for 7am book in with hubby and a friend. Was shown my bed and name written up on board doctor names and nurse etc.
Later dressed for surgery at 9.30. The doc came to discuss again what we discussed weeks leading up to the surgery, reminding me that I will have a vertical incision because of the suspect Sarcoma as well as the fibroids. Was scary but Faith had me. Anaesthetic came to discuss plans for the day of which I would be given an epidural as the nature of the surgery will need it as I will be in a lot of pain afterwards.
My body may reject the morphine (which later on for post pain meds it did)
I walked with my pillow and a nurse to the theatre where they prepped me for the surgery. Hated it, I started trembling, was cold but great team.
I woke up in recovery 1.30pm and was taken back to the ward shortly after. Sore mouth, throat, chest (I guess from all the tubes) I could not cough had to stay in bed had a catheter in as well. Catheter removed in 2 days. Incision checked and dressed. 2 days later the epidural was removed I started having intense pain was given Morphine and I was sick continuously for a few hours. They then pumped meds into my saline as the pain was intense and my body already rejected the morphine. Paracetamol, Ibuprofen, Cocodamol etc.
The 3rd day I tried to walk couldn’t do much was placed in a wheel chair by the nurse to go for a wash. later that evening I had a pain in my left side towards my back. Told the nurse nothing was done about it; the following day the pain got worst and did a urine test to found out I have bladder infection. I also had blood thinning injection every day, I hated it, stings like a bee sting (yes I have been stung before by a bee).
The surgery was the Tues was told I will go home the Friday but the doc came and said no because I could not poo.
Also the physio was to see me as I could not be discharged before they did also because I have an upstairs incase I need to come down stairs but not often they said.
So the doctor came and said I won’t go home until the following week. Pain was excruciating and carried on for days and weeks in spite of all the pain killers I have been taking. I had to take 42 injections for blood thinning. Which I hated every single day plus wore the stockings for 6 weeks which should prevent blood clots. Walking for a few minutes leaves me in pain. I never drove until after 6 weeks I had to buy an automatic car because driving was hard at times.
I am 11 weeks post surgery and some days I am still in pain. I want to go back to work but still in pain. I went back to my GP and was told he is sending me for a scan as urgent. He said I may have pus in my tummy 🙁 that’s why I maybe in pain. Some days the pain is like I am getting those stinging injections, another it feels someone ripping my intestines apart. I was suppose to be on HRT but was given.
I need to go back to my doc for this. If I go out I have to hold my tummy as I am in pain which is after few minutes of walking.
I go shopping but I don’t lift any heavy bags my daughter does.
I have put 12lbs on since my surgery and it’s hard as I comfort eat when I am in pain. I will have my scan in 3 weeks to find out why the pain. Everyone suffers differently. Remember to rest, drink water and fluid, have fruits.
I suffers from sleeping in the daytime but I try to rest as much as I can.
My family is supportive as well.
I have read all your stories and everyone situation is different. Thank you Nicole for kick starting this thread. First of all I would say it is nice to share our idea and thoughts and that is what took me through my surgery, other people’s situation, everyone pain threshold is absolutely different. I had a total hysterectomy with ovaries removed. I am 45 but I already have 3 kids 1 in university studying nursing which was so helpful to me pre and post surgery another a teacher and a 8 year old. I also had ovarian cancer and fibroids issue. The oc was just touching first stage so that was spotted quickly (know your body) that really helps me. Earlier in 2018 I started having pain in my sides and it feels like the pain is under my left breast at times. My sister who is a doctor lives in Jamaica said to me its Gerd and I should get my doc to run some tests on me.
Prior to what my sister said I went to my doc and they gave me meds for stomach ulcer and that didn’t really work so I told him what my sis said and he changed meds and it worked with the change of my diet that is dairy free products cut some vegetable with acid like tomato. And I was a bit better.
The summer I went to Florida for my holiday and while on my holiday I was bleeding continuously with clots. When I returned to the UK I went back to my doc but this time the pain came back and I had to mention the bleeding as well.
The doc then referred me to have a scan which was the 28th August. The scan said my kidney’s were fine. Instead they found a few fibroids 5cm, 7cm etc. I went back to my doc and was still complaining a few days later. He then requested an appointment for a check with the gynae but when I went she did not like the fact she was feeling my fibroids too low on my cervix. She ran some test which hurt some much I actually had to hold on to the nurse had and scream. The Gynae realised I had a coil in but she could not feel the string so she sent me for another scan to locate it was still in position.
The CT scan was booked in October when I went the fibroids had gone bigger and they had located the string obviously hidden under parts of my internal organs. The radiologist did not like what she saw from the scan she said it looks worrying so they then forward me on to do a MRI that was 4 weeks later (how fortunate I was to get early dates).
They did their bit and the doc called me back to discuss the scan. He saw Sarcoma etc and I was referred to Birmingham the biggest consultant that deals with Oncology issues for Gynae. I was called back in 2 weeks later by the Gynae Oncologist to discuss why I was sent to Birmingham as there my surgery would have took place if it came to the worst. But as a believer of Faith I know it wouldn’t God wouldn’t let that happen to me.
So he discussed the plans which is the total hysterectomy and what it entails. He then gave me an appointment letter with a new date with the Gynse Onco in Birmingham.
2 days prior Christmas I got a call that I need to come another scan this one now is the blue CT scan (which will check how far the cancer had spread.) This was the day after boxing day. Drinking 2 litres of water in the process with the donut goes around your body scanning everywhere. I went in did my scan and went home. Another letter came changing from the doctor in Birmingham back to my original doctor. So I rang the hospital to check what was going on because I had 2 appointments at this point.
I was told I was returned to my original doc as the surgery can be done there.
I had my appointment the last week in January and was told at that point I won’t be on any waiting list my surgery date would be given the same day. I was sent to another department of which I was given a date for the following week (yep that quick) after which all the pre ops were done the same day.
I only had a week or less to for my hysterectomy. I arrived 6.50 for 7am book in with hubby and a friend. Was shown my bed and name written up on board doctor names and nurse etc.
Later dressed for surgery at 9.30. The doc came to discuss again what we discussed weeks leading up to the surgery, reminding me that I will have a vertical incision because of the suspect Sarcoma as well as the fibroids. Was scary but Faith had me. Anaesthetic came to discuss plans for the day of which I would be given an epidural as the nature of the surgery will need it as I will be in a lot of pain afterwards.
My body may reject the morphine (which later on for post pain meds it did)
I walked with my pillow and a nurse to the theatre where they prepped me for the surgery. Hated it, I started trembling, was cold but great team.
I woke up in recovery 1.30pm and was taken back to the ward shortly after. Sore mouth, throat, chest (I guess from all the tubes) I could not cough had to stay in bed had a catheter in as well. Catheter removed in 2 days. Incision checked and dressed. 2 days later the epidural was removed I started having intense pain was given Morphine and I was sick continuously for a few hours. They then pumped meds into my saline as the pain was intense and my body already rejected the morphine. Paracetamol, Ibuprofen, Cocodamol etc.
The 3rd day I tried to walk couldn’t do much was placed in a wheel chair by the nurse to go for a wash. later that evening I had a pain in my left side towards my back. Told the nurse nothing was done about it; the following day the pain got worst and did a urine test to found out I have bladder infection. I also had blood thinning injection every day, I hated it, stings like a bee sting (yes I have been stung before by a bee).
The surgery was the Tues was told I will go home the Friday but the doc came and said no because I could not poo.
Also the physio was to see me as I could not be discharged before they did also because I have an upstairs incase I need to come down stairs but not often they said.
So the doctor came and said I won’t go home until the following week. Pain was excruciating and carried on for days and weeks in spite of all the pain killers I have been taking. I had to take 42 injections for blood thinning. Which I hated every single day plus wore the stockings for 6 weeks which should prevent blood clots. Walking for a few minutes leaves me in pain. I never drove until after 6 weeks I had to buy an automatic car because driving was hard at times.
I am 11 weeks post surgery and some days I am still in pain. I want to go back to work but still in pain. I went back to my GP and was told he is sending me for a scan as urgent. He said I may have pus in my tummy 🙁 that’s why I maybe in pain. Some days the pain is like I am getting those stinging injections, another it feels someone ripping my intestines apart. I was suppose to be on HRT but was given.
I need to go back to my doc for this. If I go out I have to hold my tummy as I am in pain which is after few minutes of walking.
I go shopping but I don’t lift any heavy bags my daughter does.
I have put 12lbs on since my surgery and it’s hard as I comfort eat when I am in pain. I will have my scan in 3 weeks to find out why the pain. Everyone suffers differently. Remember to rest, drink water and fluid, have fruits.
I suffers from sleeping in the daytime but I try to rest as much as I can.
My family is supportive as well.
Sorry posted twice
I had a hysterectomy on feb 17, 2020 I had robotic surgery and a shit if duramorph I say no lie I had no pain after surgery at all. The duramorph works wonders very Anesthesiologists should ask if you want it and explain what it is. My surgeon highly recommended I say yes and I did. The only minimal pain and uncomfortableness was gas traveling throughout your body but some gas x extra strength and stool softener helped . I recommended this injection to a coworker who had a hysterectomy scheduled and after her surgery she thanked me for sharing that info. I recommend this to every woman knowing they have to have a hysterectomy there’s no time for pain just recovery. I’m 3 months post op and feel great! A little cramping and bloating around barely button and abdomen here and there .
Had mine 9 days ago, and it’s the best thing I’ve ever done! Bye bye baby basket, no more torture!
I had a laparoscopic assisted vaginal hysterectomy and also removed my Fallopian tubes and a cyst off of one ovary. They were able to leave both ovaries to prevent sudden onset menopause.
My biggest challenge at the moment is pooping – something new. It was fine last week right after surgery. But right now it’s like that last inch of the “exit chute” is being stabbed when it’s time to go. Very painful. It takes a lot of deep breathing to allow myself to go since I obviously don’t want to strain and hurt my healing process.
In the first few days I was peeing all. the. time. as well, but that has started to be intermittent, so I’m assuming my bladder has stopped moving around as much.
As for pain, it has been truly minimal. My doctor used ketamine as part of my surgical cocktail to help prevent pain after surgery and it worked like a charm. Advil is enough to manage any discomfort.
I’ve been walking daily but only in short bursts, I don’t want to overdo it. I’ve also discovered that many everyday objects weight more than my weight limit – annoying, but I’m following orders and not picking them up.
The first week I was very tired each day at random times but that seems to have passed now and I’m back to work (I am fortunate enough to have a desk job).
I was expecting a lot more gas than I’ve had, but maybe it’s early and I’ll get that later.
Really looking forward to life without constant bleeding, fibroids, and everything else.
Oh my goodness, the pooping! It’s a nightmare those first couple of weeks! TMI, but I became BFFs with stool softeners, and read an entire encyclopedia-style book just sitting there. 🙂 I’m glad that, overall, your pain has been on the mild side. Definitely (definitely definitely definitely) don’t overdo it. I’m about 99% certain that’s what caused all of my complications.
I am six months out. I feel amazing and wish that I had not wasted years of my life dealing with all the problems my uterus caused. It was very painful but the pain medication helped. When I over do it my belly swells and I feel pressure on my pelvic floor. I was doing bio identical hormone replacement therapy before my complete hysterectomy. I really enjoyed being off work and absolutely not doing anything during my recovery.
I had surgery on Thursday (the 11th) and it’s now Saturday (13th). I’m 34, and Id been fighting for this surgery for three years. I had a medical condition and have bled every day for the last three years, and I’ve had an artery in my uterus rupture twice and needed life saving measures (uterine AVM).
I had a c section so I had an idea in my mind what the pain would be like.
I had a laparoscopic total hysterectomy with salpingectomy (ovaries were kept).
I’m off the pain meds. Moving around as much as possible to get the gas moving. Pardon the way I say this but ALL I DO IS FART. 😂 It’s relieving but man is it embarrassing (thank goodness I don’t have to leave home). Bowels moved in less then 24hours-very painful but also relieving. Post op sites are looking good. Feeling ok but occasionally weapy.
Ladies, I read the story and thinking I am glad I read After I am done. I had my hysterectomy 4 days ago . It v was robatic and let me tell you what a difference from what I read here. I didn’t take any pain killers or lexitive. Yes I felt a little stomach rumble day 2 but doctor said eat light food by day 3 you will go to the bathroom. I was send home same day as surgery. Today is day 4 and I even walk normal. My incisions do not bother me at all. I am looking forward no periods I was miserable . Good luck everyone. Hope you all have easy recovery like me. I am 42 years old.
As of today I am 13 days post op. I’m 47 years old and I had my uterus, cervix, both tubes and left ovary removed by Davinci laparoscope. 3 incisions only. I went home a few hours after the surgery. And I felt like I got hit by a truck. My Perineum hurt so bad for a couple of days. The incisions were very sore too for a few days. Oxycodone and ibuprofen were my besties for about 3 days. Then I switched to Tylenol and ibuprofen.moving very slowly until day 7. At about day 10 I was feeling great. Good enough to go to the grocery store with my husband. I didn’t lift anything but I did drive and walk around. It was to much. I started bleeding. And I started back to work that afternoon, part time sitting working on clients. (I own a beauty studio).
As of today the bleeding has stopped and I feel pretty good. Only taking ibuprofen 3 times a day. The only thing that’s still sore is my left side. I feel pulling and aching where the tube and ovary was. I had a bit on endometriosis she had to remove on that side too so that’s probably why. Just a bit more work she had to do on the left.
I do use a binder while sitting while working. That does help a lot. I’m only working 4 hours a day for now and the next several weeks until I’m cleared to go back full time. I probably should have taken a full 2 weeks off but I’m super stubborn and never seriously thought I’d need it, because I sit and have small movements. Hahaha jokes on me. I could have used the extra 4 days.
Overall I’m glad I got this done. I’m looking forward to picking up my granddaughter and babysitting. Im not to tired but I’m still a bit sore on my left side.
One month now since I had a total abdominal hysterectomy & BSO, 3 huge fibroids removed & had some endometriosis burned off my colon with a laser. I got lucky because I’ve felt no pain whatsoever the day of surgery or after. I’ve never even took any post operative narcotics. I have physically healed great. However, I am struggling with depression the last 2 weeks. A lot of emotions. Not sure why. I assume hormone therapy adjusting in my system. Best of luck to everyone.
I am one day post op after a total hysterectomy (cervix, uterus, ovaries) for PCOS at age 32. I am presently surprised with how well I feel. Still on pain medication but I’m up walking mostly normal and really feel a lot better than I had expected. The comments above have been really encouraging and I’m glad to know that things seem to improve so quickly for a lot of women. I just keep reminding myself that this short period of uncomfortableness is worth not hurting and being uncomfortable all the time.
I had a Total Hysterectomy with Sal pinto whatever it is … no pain whatsoever. They gave me orimorph for the first 2 days so I guess that numbed any pain. Went home on day 4 and have had no pain since. I ache more than anything and I am slow to get up in the mornings but once I’m on the move I feel normal. It’s 3 weeks tomorrow since my op and I feel perfectly fine