Pretty & Easy DIY Scotch Duct Tape Storage Container for Back to School

I recently discovered a love for duct tape decorating! Considering my lack of crafting skills, I was super stoked to find what I consider to be the easiest method of crafting on the planet! When Scotch sent me some of their coolest fun duct tape colors and patterns to try out,  I couldn’t wait to try it out on something.

I started covering old prescription bottles (I had surgery recently, remember? Lots of prescriptions for that!), but needed a bigger project. Then I remembered that we still had ice-cream containers from when I did the Blue Bunny review over at OurFamilyWorld. This is an incredibly easy DIY decorative container project! It took me less than 20 minutes to complete. It’s perfect for keeping back to school supplies in. Fill it up and give it to your child’s teacher as a teacher appreciation gift, stash extra pencils and erasers for the school year, or take it to college and hide your supply of chocolate!

 DIY Scotch Duct Tape Storage Container

Pretty & Easy DIY Scotch Duct Tape Storage Container for Back to School


  • An empty plastic container or carton (I used the plastic containers from Blue Bunny Ice-Cream)
  • Scotch Duct Tape in fun colors and patterns
  • Scissors

How to make it:

1. Clean out your container. I think this should go without saying, but I’m saying it anyway. Wash it and dry it.

2. Starting at the bottom of the container, wrap strips of your main color duct tape all the way around. If you are super careful, you could probably do it all in one long strip. I am not that coordinated. I did it strip by strip, making sure to carefully align each one.

3. Trim over-hanging pieces. If your container isn’t a perfect cube, you’re probably going to have some pieces hanging off. The best way to trim these is to use the scissors to kind of serrate the overlapping parts, then just pull it away.

4. If you want, use a contrasting pattern or color across the middle to give it some extra personality.

5. Cover your lid with the main color.

6. Smooth it all out!

That’s pretty much it! It’s super easy and you have a one-of-a-kind container to keep all sorts of back to school supplies or random thingamabobs in!

Scotch Duct Tape “Tape On Back-to-School Contest”

Scotch Duct Tape "Tape On Back-to-School Contest”
Scotch Duct Tape is hosting a really fun contest, and celebrity teen Vlogger, Sarai Jones, will be judging! The Back-to-School contest asks teens to create an original back-to-school craft with duct tape and submit a photo that shows how they’re going back to school in style for a chance to win $1,000. The Tape On Back-to-School contest runs until August 18th on the Scotch Facebook page.

Duct Tape Back to School Project 1

The contest will include prizes for the top four winners with first place receiving $1000, second place receiving $500 and third and fourth place receiving $250.  Sarai has created a fun video with locker decorations for inspiration. Check it out and have your teen enter!

Have you ever made any cool duct tape creations? If so, tell me about them! If not, what would you like to make?