Throw Pillows with Personality for the College-Bound & the Cool

You know about my obsession with RedBubble, right? If not, well, it’s pretty much the coolest site ever for fun t-shirts, prints and calendars. They also sell some pretty awesome throw pillows! Now, if you’ve ever read a home decorating magazine, you know that you can completely transform a room with just a few good throw pillows. It’s the perfect decorating tool for renters, college students or other broke…err, cool, people.

The thing is, when I read those magazines, they always have these frilly or super expensive pillows that just don’t come close to fitting my personality. If I’m going to make a statement with throw pillows, I want to, well, make a statement! Check out a few of my favorite throw pillows with personality from RedBubble.


Throw Pillows with Personality

Affiliate links included, so if you buy, I get a bit of a commission. Yay me!

Saccharine Skulls by tracieandrews

Saccharine Skulls

Now this is a throw pillow that really fits my personality! I would proudly display it in my living room. Seriously, what screams “punk rock girly girl” better than a pink skulls throw pillow? A pair of these would look great on a dark sofa.


Vintage Typewriter Keys by Maren Misner

Vintage Typewriter Keys

As a writer, this throw pillow is the perfect match for me. I think it would look great in a comfy study chair! I still remember typing on a vintage typewriter! Of course, back then, it wasn’t called “Vintage.” I am scared that things from my childhood are now labeled that!


The Family by hotamr

The Family

While I’m not quite sure what’s going on in this pillow- it looks like a little boy is waving goodbye to an alien family- it sure it pretty! The dark night scene and the trees give it a traditional throw pillow look, but the aliens bring in the whimsy.

funny monsters by Tanor

Funny Monsters

I think this one would be so perfect for a playroom, don’t you? The little monsters are so colorful and fun!

Library by Risa Rodil


I can’t think of a single room in my house that this wouldn’t fit into! When I go to bed at night, I like to build my dream library in my head. It’s how I relax. To me, there is no paradise better than a giant library!


Graphic 104 by Mareike Böhmer


Graphic 104

If you want something a little more like traditional throw pillows, this one is beautiful! I believe it’s some sort of shape art, but it looks like mountain peaks. I love the colors in it. To me, it’s a great bedroom pillow.

These are just a few of the hundreds of throw pillows with personality that you can find on RedBubble. Really, you can find something no matter what your tastes are! From quirky and weird to pretty and understated, they pretty much have it all.

Which is your favorite of the throw pillows with personality?