This post brought to you by Walmart. All opinions are 100% mine.
When I was a teenager and into my early adult years, we rented houses where pets weren’t allowed. I wanted a dog so bad! Especially since I grew up with the best dog pretty much from birth to age 11. I knew what great companions they were and missed that! If your kids are begging for a dog but your circumstances don’t allow it, you can still give them a taste of the fun!
Give them the dog they want with Zoomer™ and Zuppies™!
Zoomer™ and Zuppies™ are incredibly cool interactive pooches that, in many ways, act like real dogs. They main difference: you don’t have to clean up after them or feed them! Let’s check them out, shall we? Both are cool, but there are differences between the two.
Zoomer™: Your Child’s Voice-Activated Friend
Zoomer™ is probably the coolest interactive dog on the planet. I seriously want one of these! They just look like so much fun! Your Zoomer™ pooch is voice-activated. Like real dogs, he won’t obey your commands at first. You’ll need to train him! Unlike my dogs, eventually he’ll actually listen. Once your child has him trained, he’ll run, play and do tricks! He understands English, French and Spanish. He has the sweetest eyes that follow your child.
Zuppies™: The “Just for Me” Puppies
While Zuppies™ aren’t voice-activated like Zoomer™, they’re still loads of fun to play with! They have touch sensors that detect who is touching them and how. The really cool thing: they act different depending on who is touching them! Like real dogs, each of the Zuppies™ have their own personalities. They also love to play interactive games and dance to music. Zuppies™ even play with their older siblings, the Zoomer™ pups!
It’s really hard when you have to say “no” to a pet. Especially when kids give you a “pretty please?” face like this one:
Zoomer™ and Zuppies™ make it a lot easier to say “yes.” Even if you do have pets, these guys are still a great way to teach your kids a little about the responsibility of caring for a dog. Granted, they won’t starve if your child forgets to feed them, but they do offer some valuable lessons. I love that kids play a major part in training both Zoomer™ and Zuppies™.
Have you ever played with Zoomer™ or the Zuppies™? What is your favorite feature?
No, we’ve never played with one of these before! Looks like fun though! My grandsons would get a kick out of it!
No. We have not got a zoomer zuppy.But my daughter ,Corrin keeps begging me for one for Christmas or her birthday. If she is lucky she might get one!By the way ,her brother ,Dylan dose not even know what it is?!?!
Love keri