I received compensation from Houghton Mifflin Harcourt for writing this post. All opinions are my own.
Go Math! Academy Makes Math Easy for Kids AND Parents ! #HMHAcademy

Let me start by saying that I am NOT good at math. Never have been, never will be. I did okay with addition, subtraction and even multiplication. Come long division it was all over. I figured I could at least help my son get through the first couple years of school before I became useless. WRONG! Have you SEEN the math kids are doing in elementary school? By 3rd grade, I had to enlist my mom to help Jake with his homework. I was LOST.

How embarrassing is it to have to admit to my child that I don’t understand his math. I mean, he used to think that I knew everything! I miss that! I think the fact that they have a totally weird new way of teaching it and solving problems has at least something to do with it! Now Jake is in 4th grade. I expect that he’ll be doing trigonometry or something crazy like that by the end of the year. The point is, I can’t help him and I feel kind of inadequate. Fortunately, Go Math! Academy CAN help him!


Go Math! Academy: Making you feel less inadequate as a parent

Go Math! Academy Makes Math Easy for Kids AND Parents ! #HMHAcademy

Go Math! Academy is an online, at-home learning program based on Houghton Mifflin Harcourt’s enormously successful GO Math!™ textbook curriculum, used by over 7 million kids worldwide. . While I have no idea what Jacob will be learning this year, the experts at Go Math! Academy do know. They’ve designed a curriculum to match your child’s grade level. After I signed up, I added Jacob, then checked out what he would be learning. Um, I have to admit that I don’t know how to do half of these things!

Go Math! Academy Makes Math Easy for Kids AND Parents ! #HMHAcademy

I like to try out these things before Jacob does, so I can help him if he needs it. Turns out I am the one who needed help. I checked out the Perimeter and Area topic and didn’t even understand the question. Thankfully Jacob is much better at math than I am. He knew the answer. However, if he got stuck (like I did), he could have just hit the Help Me button. This gives you step-by-step instructions on how to solve the question.

Go Math! Academy Makes Math Easy for Kids AND Parents ! #HMHAcademy

Now, if this is all there was to it, Go Math! Academy would simply be a good tool for helping your child better understand math. While that’s great, we all know kids like a little more excitement, right? Well, if you complete sets of skills, you unlock fun games to play! If your child (or you) need more help, you can videos that explain things a lot more clearly than I ever could. I will admit, I watched a few when I realized I couldn’t even get the answers right to the easiest sections.

Go Math! Academy Makes Math Easy for Kids AND Parents ! #HMHAcademy

I am not even kidding about how difficult 4th grade math will be for me this year. I know that is probably sad. I should have paid closer attention when I was a child. I have other talents, though, I promise! I am super relieved to have Go Math! Academy, not just for my son but also for myself.  It helps me get through tough homework questions and gives Jacob the chance to practice his skills on the computer. Jacob is a 21st Century Digital Boy (except he does know how to read… Tell me I have a few punk rock fans out there who get the reference?), so he learns best when he’s using the computer.

Go Math! Academy Makes Math Easy for Kids AND Parents ! #HMHAcademy

I love that Go Math! Academy is online with nothing to download, so he can also play it on his beloved Chrome Book while he’s lounging in his bed relaxing. If you or your child needs extra math help, or even if you want to give them a fun place to practice, Go Math! Academy is for you.

Go Math! Academy Makes Math Easy for Kids AND Parents ! #HMHAcademy

At just $9.99 per month, it’s definitely worth it for me. You can save by getting 6 months for $49.99 or one year for $79.99.  Learn more here. Follow @HMHAcademy on Twitter,

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Are you good at math? What do you find most challenging about helping your child with math homework?