Looking for a great gift idea that works for Mother’s Day, Father’s Day and even Memorial Day? How about a gift that encourages creativity and gives something back to the men and women who protect us? Let me introduce you to Cool Kid Tees. I received a complimentary kit in exchange for an honest review.
Cool Kid Tees: An Expression of Love
The Cool Kid Tees says it’s not just a t-shirt, it’s an expression of a child’s love, and that’s true. The concept sprang from one little girl, who took her father’s work shirt and decorated for him.
Her father, Chad, wore that shirt proudly and loved explaining to everyone where it came from. Then he decided, wouldn’t it be great to spread even more of that pride AND help out his fellow service members? Cool Kid Tees was born. The concept itself is pretty simple: you place your order and receive a plain light brown shirt and a package of fabric markers. Then you unleash your child’s creativity on the shirt. Finally, you wear the shirt with pride. It’s an easy formula. So what makes it so special?
Here’s what I want you to know about Cool Kid Tees, three things I feel makes it stand out:
- It was created BY a military member FOR the military (among others). Proceeds are donated to military families of fallen soldiers. It’s such an easy way to give back to the men and women who bust their butts and, in too many cases, lose their lives to protect our freedom.
- It’s completely reliant on your child’s imagination. Cool Kid Tees provides the medium. Your child creates the art.
- Seeing you wear their designs is a fabulous self-esteem boost for kids. When Chad wore his daughter’s shirt with pride, he also instilled a sense of pride in her own accomplishments.
My Cool Kid Tee!
Great uses for Cool Kid Tees
Since Cool Kid Tees give back to the family of fallen soldiers, they’re a perfect “thank you” gift for our military members on Memorial Day. They’re also fantastic Mother’s Day and Father’s Day gift ideas. Order a package before the holiday and ask them to take it in their room to create you gift (if the’re old enough to work alone). This lets them make you something beautiful without needing you there to shop with them and ruin the surprise. They’re also perfect for graduation parties (from preschool to high school, we’re all cool kids!) because you can have everyone sign the shirt. Or get one for your child for the last day of school and let his friends sign it!
The Cool Kid Tees website is simple, making it easy to find exactly what you need. I LOVE the picture of Chad hugging his daughter. It’s the most powerful picture on the site and a beautiful example of what makes Cool Kid Tees so darn cool. This is a really sweet idea and I absolutely love the message behind it. I also can’t repeat enough times how awesome it is that the proceeds go to helping the families of our fallen soldiers.
Are you a Cool Kid? What type of design would you create?