I participated in an Influencer Activation on behalf of Influence Central for Kmart & March of Dimes. I received a promotional item to thank me for my participation.
As the mom of a preemie (can I still call him that even though he’s almost 10 now?), supporting March of Dimes is very important to me. I strongly feel that they’re a large part of the reason my son is here today. I shudder to think what would have happened if he was born back when I was born! I mean, back then, they didn’t even think to do a c-section with a footling breech baby. They just yanked me out with forceps and bruised my sweet little toes.
Without all the research that March of Dimes has funded over the years, we wouldn’t have the medical advancements that allow a 32-weeker weighing less than 3.5 pounds a chance to survive. Of course, March of Dimes does so much more than just help save preemies. They have a fantastic mission of helping ALL babies be born at full term AND healthy. They do this by:
- Advocating for better healthcare coverage for pregnant moms and newborns
- Fighting in the political arena for better newborn screening standards across the nation
- Giving pregnant moms access to the best information on how to have a healthy pregnancy and delivery
- Supporting moms in their efforts to beat addiction through community outreach programs
- Doing their best to make sure everyone has access to prenatal care through mobile clinics and help with rides to doctors
It’s working, too. Their efforts have helped reduce the US preterm birth rate every year over the last seven years. That not only saves lives but also helped save around $12 billion in health care costs. Of course, when you have a huge goal, you need a lot of support. That’s where we come in.
Help Team Kmart Support the March of Dimes
Kmart is the top corporate fundraiser for the March of Dimes. I remember back when I did the March of Dimes annual March for Babies® walk, our local Kmart was a HUGE supporter. They take their role as national sponsor very seriously. This year marks Kmart’s 23rd year as national sponsor for the March for Babies and the 32nd year as supporters for March of Dimes itself. They’ve raised more than $125 million to help support the March of Dimes over those years.
This year, Kmart teamed up with fitness icon and Kmart ambassador Jillian Micheals to really kick the 2015 fundraising campaign into high gear. Micheals, who will be joining Team Kmart at the Los Angeles walk, designed an exclusive shirt for the campaign. I happen to have TWO chances for you to win one! More details on that below. First, let’s talk about how you can help Kmart and the March of Dimes help save preemies!
Between now and June 20th, you can help support the campaign by:
- Donating in-store at any Kmart or online at kmart.com/marchofdimes. 100& of the funds raised go to the March of Dimes.
- Purchasing Kmart’s super cute collectible puppy figurine in-store on online for $5. $1 from each sale goes to the March of Dimes. I saw these right at the checkout in my local Kmart.
As an added bonus and special thank you for giving back, Shop Your Way members will also receive a coupon for 5% back in points on their next qualifying in-store or online merchandise product.
Donating to Team Kmart is so easy and rewarding. Every little bit counts, so please, even if you think “I only have $1, what can that do?” consider this: if just half the US population had “only $1 to give,” it would still add up to over $150 million.
My first born (twins) were preemies and born while I was in Iraq but was sent home because they needed 24/7 care
I had a baby sister born preemie many years ago. She died several hours later 🙁
I’m so sorry for your loss. 🙁
This is so amazing! The March of Dimes is an incredible organization. My nephew was born at just 1lb and stayed in the hospital for a long time. Will always support MOD! Very great what they do!
Wow, what an itty bitter! My friend’s niece was born at about 27 weeks and also just about a pound. It’s so scary, but thanks to the MOD and all the research they’ve helped fund, she is now a healthy 11 year old!
I do like shopping at KMart for great deals. My son was born a month early and very tiny but thank goodness healthy.
Thankfully, despite being born 8 weeks early and really small, my son was pretty healthy too! He was just a “feeder/grower” baby, as they called him.
I like that results are showing all the efforts are worth it. My grandma always donated without fail, to the March of Dimes. And yep, that is a sharp looking shirt. Thank you for hosting the giveaway.
I love what Kmart and the March of Dimes are doing together. I think it’s important for the world to have groups like this out there doing good and helping those who need it most but who cant necessarily get it.
It’s a great thing that there are organizations like March of Dimes that supports preemie parents. Viva!
The March of Dimes is such a wonderful organization. I have had many friends who have either had or have been preemies and they are living fantastic lives thanks to the immediate medical care they received when born. All the best to your adorable little guy!
Although, I haven’t had a close experience with preemies, I have always supported this organization. I am glad they are able to give parents of preemie the support they need.
I love the work of the March of Dimes, although I am not a preemie mom, I do understand the importance of this organization and had a coworker who benefited.
This is such a great organization. I have never had experience with preemies, but I support this organization fully. Thanks for sharing. 🙂
I love the wonderful and compassionate work done by the March of Dimes; I donate to them annually!
I support any charity or organization that helps babies and children.
My son was born almost 4 weeks early and very tiny. But he was fine and healthy. March of Dimes is a great organization.