I received complimentary SoCozy Professional Hair Products for kids in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.


I’ve been looking for amazing hair products for my son for a while. I mean, I’ve found plenty that I love for my hair, but none that I thought would also work great for him too. With SoCozy, I feel confident that I’ve finally found them. SoCozy was created by Cozy Friedman, founder of the Cozy Cuts for Kids salons. Yes, by the way, Cozy is her real name!

SoCozy Professional Hair Care Products for Kids

After years of cutting children’s hair in a fun environment, Cozy launched her own line of professional hair care products for kids, the SoCozy line. Before we get into my review, let me tell you what drew me to them in the first place. I LOVE that the packaging is appealing to kids of all ages. So many kids’ hair care products are covered in cartoons that just don’t appeal to my 9-year-old son. He’ll use them when I buy them, but I don’t think he’d ever take them on a sleepover. SoCozy’s designs are vibrant and colorful to draw in younger kids, yet mature enough for your tween to stash in his or her gym bag. Jacob loves the Cinch 2-in-1 Body Wash and Shampoo, since it lets him multitask in the bath. It also smells pretty awesome!

SoCozy Cinch

Jacob inherited quite a few of my genes. My brilliant mind, my charming personality, my tenacity and sense of individuality. My modesty. He also inherited my crazy-thick hair. Crazy-thick short hair equals crazy stubborn cowlicks. What is up with that word, by the way? Cowlick? There has to be a better term. My son does not get licked in the head by cows. His hair, alas, looks like he does.

For the longest time, I cut Jake’s hair REALLY short. Like just barely above the scalp. Not a military cut, but still short enough that the cowlick wasn’t all that noticeable. Now that my little monkey pants is growing up (and would KILL me if he knew I just called him that in public), he has more control over his hair style. He’s decided to go for this whole emo-kid look and grow it out a bit. Since I’m all for encouraging self-expression and don’t feel hair is an important battle to fight, I let it go. I want to cut it, but it’s not my hair to cut.

We did come to an agreement. When I need pictures of him, I get to “do” his hair. On those days, I use SoCozy Behave Gel. It’s a fantastic kid-friendly gel that really calms Jacob’s wild hair and makes him look totally presentable for picture day! Now if I could just get him to smile. In his defense, I took this picture at 8am on his way out the door to school. Not exactly a recipe for a cheery expression.

SoCozy After 2

Check out the back, you can see that his hair ISN’T standing up all over the place, for the most part! I’m not a stylist, I did the best I could.

SoCozy after

I love it because it’s not sticky and icky in his hair. It also washes off my hands pretty easily.

SoCozy Lice Prevention: Because Lice Can Happen to Anyone

SoCozy Lice Prevention

SoCozy also makes a line of lice prevention products for kids, called Boo! We got their shampoo and the lice prevention spray. These products contain natural ingredients that literally scare lice away. Seriously, they don’t like the smell or something. When I was 8, my brother brought lice home from daycare. Imagine my thick hair and lice. My mom spent hours with a metal comb going through my hair. Ever since then, I’ve been petrified of lice. I’ve actually been using this spray too! I love it because it doesn’t smell medicinal.

SoCozy No Nasties

One of the best things about the entire SoCozy line is that it contains No Nasties. No Joke. Their products are non-toxic, paraben-free, sulfate-free (so they’re great for your hair too), and free of other things I can’t even spell or pronounce. They’re also wheat, nut and gluten-free. No synthetic colors either. See, NO nasties. No joke. Plus they’re designed by a professional.

So there you go: SAFE professional hair care products FOR kids! Plus they’re so stylish, even you may want to swipe them! You really can’t get much better than that! Visit SoCozy to learn more about their entire line of awesome products and find the right one for your child’s hair type. Follow SoCozy on Twitter and Facebook to keep up with news. Be sure to check them out on Pinterest for fun kid’s hair inspiration!

What are your biggest hair challenges with your kids? Tell me in the comments!