This post is brought to you by Nexium 24HR and the Smiley 360 Blogger program. All opinions are my own.

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Want to hear something funny? I still remember the first time I got heartburn. I was pregnant with Jacob and almost 30 years old. Up until then, I’d never experienced it. I thought something was really wrong with me! While that may have been the first time, it was far from the last. Ever since I was pregnant- now a little over ten years ago- I’ve had frequent heartburn. I suppose I should be thankful, I skated through the first 30 years of my life without ever knowing the sensation.


Lately, it seems like everything I eat gives me an icky burning feeling in my chest. Could have something to do with the fact that I drink a half a gallon of highly acidic coffee a day. Maybe it’s the spicy snacks that I eat right before bed. I don’t always make the most logical choices, mostly because I don’t think about heartburn until I actually have it.

Don’t Skip the BBQs, Pack the Nexium 24HR

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Summer is particularly rough. Between the big glasses of lemonade, the spicy BBQ and all the saucy foods, it’s like total heartburn season. I could skip all the yummy stuff, but where is the fun in that? Instead, I took Nexium 24HR for 14 days to help relieve frequent heartburn. You take it once a day in the morning before you eat, and it helps relieve heartburn for 24 hours. It does take a couple of days to really start working, and you can only use it for 14 days in a row. Then you have to stop for four months before repeating.

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Nexium 24HR is a proton pump inhibitor. It sounds like a part in my car, but they’re actually parts in your body that pumps out acid to break down your stomach contents. Sometimes they get a little overzealous. I’m not a gastro specialist (didn’t really even get that far in nursing school), so I’m not really sure why or how it all works, I just know that when I take the Nexium 24HR for the 14 days, it helps relieve that horrible burning sensation in my esophagus. So now I can enjoy all my favorite summer treats!

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Nexium 24HR doesn’t cure heartburn or GERD, just so you know. It’s important to understand that so you don’t have any unrealistic expectations. It really helped my symptoms, but it’s not a permanent fix. It’s an over-the-counter medicine, but you should still talk to your doctor before using it, especially if you’re already taking other medications. I know you know all this, but I like to repeat it anyway because I don’t want anyone to get hurt. ALWAYS follow dosing instructions on the package.

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Ready to break out that grilling kit and enjoy your favorite foods again? Head to the Nexium 24HR website to learn more! Check out the Heartburn Facts and Fiction! I just learned that sleeping on your right side makes heartburn worse. Ugh. I sleep on my right side mostly. Guess I’ll have to try to switch things up! Like Nexium 24HR on Facebook to keep up with news and special offers.

Do you suffer from frequent heartburn? What are your triggers?