Have you started collecting Box Tops for Education yet? If not, now is as good a time as any to start! Jacob goes back to school in a few days. The PTO always sends the first letter about Box Tops home with their welcome packet, to remind us how beneficial they are to the school. I’m going to be honest, I’ve been such a slacker at sending them in. I buy SO many things with Box Tops. I even clip them! Then I stick them in a drawer and forget about them. This year I’m vowing to do better!
Why Box Tops for Education: The Reason is in the Name!
I never realized how important Box Tops for Education really were to our schools. The reason is right in the name: for education. The funding that schools get from taxes and what not only covers so much. The rest is left up to parents. Jacob’s PTO does a lot to make sure kids who can’t afford things like school trips, book fair and other extras aren’t left out. Our school trips are free in the elementary years. Once I had to pay $2, but that’s the most I’ve ever paid. The money raised by the PTO covers the rest.
The PTO also makes sure that kids who can’t afford book fair money get at least one book. They keep school store costs low so a dime can buy a pencil. All of these things go towards making sure kids don’t feel left out. While Box Tops for Education aren’t the only way that the PTO raises funds, it’s definitely a big help! Every Box Top is worth $0.10 for Jake’s school, and it adds up fast. Box Tops for Education has already contributed over $525 million to schools since they started back in 1996! Since schools can use the Box Tops cash to buy whatever they need, that money can help fund any type of program.
For me, the great thing about Box Tops for Education is the convenience. I can find them on so many products that I already use. Jacob’s favorite fruit snacks, my favorite cereal (yes, the Reeses Puffs are mine, although Jake loves it too), and so on. Sometimes I even find them in unexpected places, like on my paper towels!
I grabbed my Box Tops for Education products at Walmart. They have a ton of great Bonus Box Tops selections, which give you the regular Box Tops, plus a bonus certificate. Just clip it out like you would a regular Box Top and turn it in to your school. They also had fun little games on the packages!
Next week I’m going to share with you a clever way to help keep those Box Tops organized and in plain sight so you don’t forget to send them in to your child’s school. In the mean time, learn more about Box Tops at Walmart & start collecting!
This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of General Mills®. The opinions and text are all mine.