This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of Scott Tube-Free. All opinions are 100% mine.
It’s National Simplify Your Life Week and I’m in the middle of a panic attack. I’ve completely over-scheduled my life to the point that I literally don’t have time to breathe. As I stood in the middle of my kitchen totally freaking out, my mom said “make a list.” I have a list. I have many lists. Once I remembered to breathe, though, I thought maybe I could break that list into smaller items. Rather than writing “run errands,” I can make each errand an item. Then I can feel like I’m checking more things off my list. Yes, it makes it longer, but it also makes it simpler to get through. Smaller steps. You can’t climb a mountain in a single leap, right?
Small Steps to Help the Environment
The same concept works for helping the environment. When you simplify your life, you’re also simplifying your impact on the world around you. If we think in terms of giant leaps, we can easily get overwhelmed. Setting a goal to clean out the entire garage and purge a lifetime of memories in one afternoon can send you flying to the bathroom to curl up in a ball crying. So let’s look at small steps that we can actually do to simplify your life and help the environment.
- Go paperless: Many utilities, banks and credit card companies offer you the option to get paperless statements and bills. Take that option. That way you have one less piece of paper to file, shred or clog up your life. Besides, if you’re like me, you’re more likely to see email reminders anyway.
- Get crafty: Repurposing crafts are all the rage right now. If you search, you can find tutorials on how to make something new out of just about everything you own. Turn something you don’t need into something you do need. All those old baby clothes that you just can’t part with can become a quilt (if you’re crafty, I’m not). Make art smocks out of bed sheets that have seen better days. You can even turn old tires into furniture, apparently.
- Take time, don’t make time: As a single mom who works up to 15 hours a day sometimes, it drives me nuts when people who clearly have a lot of time on their hands tell me to do all these huge tasks, like spend the day picking up garbage on the side of the road. It makes me feel like I can’t have an impact unless I’m all in. What you can do, though, is take the time you do have and use it to better your life and the world. If you’re already changing a lightbulb or shopping for a new appliance, make it energy-efficient. If you’re at the grocery store shopping, look for foods with less packaging. If you’re running errands, set up your route to use less gas.
- Ditch the tube: Did you know that over 17 billion toilet paper tubes are used each year in the US? You could fill the entire Empire State Building twice with those! Ditch the tube with Scott Tube-Free Bath Tissue. It has all the premium softness you expect out of Scott, without the wasteful cardboard tube. Every single part of the T-P is usable, right down to the very last sheet. When it’s done, it’s done. No cardboard tube to throw away.
I wanted to see how many of those 17 billion toilet paper rolls belonged to me, so I used the handy calculator on Scott Tube-Free. My household’s estimated lifetime usage is 15,575 rolls. That’s enough to make a piano! Ditching the cardboard core with Scott Tube-Free is one of the simplest steps for helping the environment because it not only requires no extra work from you, but it also saves you the step of removing the cardboard roll when the paper runs out. Hey, those few seconds of work can really add up over a lifetime! Check out the Scott Man on the Street video to learn more. Find Scott Tube-Free at Walmart Nationwide or use the Local Retailer Locator to find it near you. I found it in several stores in my area, including Kmart, BJs and Shop-Rite! Grab yourself a Scott Coupon before you head to the store!
What small steps do you take to simplify your life and the environment? Tell me in the comments!
I think this is a brilliant idea. I am going to look for some of these when I go shopping next time.
That is great! Finally, I won’t have to be the grumbling sour puss who throws out the TP tube AGAIN.
This is a great idea! To be honest, I never thought about how many tubes go to waste.
It doesn’t surprise me that so many toilet paper tubes get thrown away which is probably why there are so many DIY crafts to use them. However, so many toilet paper tubes and so little time so I think this is a brilliant idea!
How creative! I’ve never heard of tube-free toilet paper. It certainly seems like it would be more environmentally friendly.
I know that some people think getting rid of the toilet paper tube is a silly little idea that won’t have any impact. But it’s the little things that will really add up to make a big difference.
My sister has gerbils in her classroom (she is an elementary teacher) and we give her all of our toliet paper rolls and papertowel rolls for the gerbils to chew on!! That’s helping the environment, right?
I love these new tubeless rolls! I will definitely be buying these all the time now, to do my part to help the environment!
It would be awesome to start buying tube-free toilet tissue. I’d like to make some changes to reduce my trash output.
I hate a empty roll on the rack this will help that problem a ton. Im all for it.
I love the tubeless rolls, though I haven’t tried this brand. I will look for this the next time I go shopping for groceries.
Great idea! We have been using tubeless toilet paper rolls in our home for quite a while now. I must admit, I feel so proud of myself for doing my part to save the environment.
I haven’t tried the tube free TP yet, but I’ll look for it the next time I’m at the grocery store. Those tubes do pile up fast.
I am glad that they ditch the cardbore roll on this one. IT does help the environment and ut’s a great thing for us and for mother nature.
We recycle weekly and I’m teaching my daughter how to to be creative with recycled goods. I wish more people would do this, it’s sad to see how many abuse the environment.
I think that this is great that they do not put cardboard in the tube of toilet paper. This is such a good way to not pollute the environment. I need to get this brand of toilet paper. We recyle everything we can. Our city lets us recycle tons of stuff now!
I started using to tubeless awhile back and won’t ever stray. Lol, I love not having tubes to deal with!
This is a GREAT idea! My family will be switching I just haven’t seen this in Canada yet!
I have never heard of this, but it is such a fabulous idea! We recycle so many tubes each month. It would be fabulous if they just came without the tube in the first place!
I have heard of it but not until recently. It’s such a simple but effective way to reduce so much waste.
These are great ideas. I too go into a panic attack when I think about the things that needs to be done (tons!). I haven’t noticed this tubeless tissues but I would go for it. Never thought we’re piling up tubes that much!
OK…that piano and seat made out of toilet paper rolls looks really cool. I haven’t had a chance to try a tube-less roll yet.
Thank for sharing your tips and haring this tubeless toilet paper. They should all be tubeless.
Small things add up. My kids will be sad that they don’t have their “spyglasses” anymore though.
Really awesome and helpful tips that everyone can follow through helping the environment.