
In honor of Thanksgiving, I’m actually taking the day off to spend with my family. Shocking, right? I’m even going to take off part of tomorrow to go shopping! I’m writing this ahead of time, don’t worry. I want to take a few minutes to share what I’m thankful for this year.

#1 This Kid (Even if he won’t let me cut his hair!)

Happy Thanksgiving from Pretty Opinionated!


#2 My family. I am especially grateful that my aunt is beating the crap out of brain cancer. I don’t talk about it a lot because it’s not my story to share, but good thoughts for her are much appreciated.

#3 This guy, who didn’t complain once when I spent two hours shopping in The Christmas Tree Store on my first trip there. Um, the boyfriend, not the disinterested alpaca.

Sal Alpaca

#4 My furry kids! Especially when they do something like this that makes me laugh.

Zoe RdD2

#5 Great readers like you who make it possible for me to keep a roof over my head! Without you, I wouldn’t be successful. Without success, I wouldn’t get so many great opportunities or even be able to pay my bills. So THANK YOU!

Now go eat! Enjoy that turkey! HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!