Looking for a beautiful way to show off your American pride during the big games? I partnered with Teleflora to share some pretty big news! Now through August 22nd, you can save 40% on Teleflora.com bouquets when you use Visa Checkout! That is an incredible savings, right?
We all want to do our part to support the amazing athletes who worked so hard to get to Rio. It’s astounding, how much work goes into getting to that point! From the grand gestures, like wishing them well on their social media, to the little things, like decorating our homes with red, white and blue accessories, every little bit that we do lets them know that their country is standing behind them.
Show off Your Patriotic Pride During the Big Games with Teleflora!
Teleflora.com has two beautiful bouquets that really drive home that patriotic feeling. They’re not just great for during the big games, but also for your upcoming Labor Day parties! Think fabulous centerpiece, here, my friends. I had a chance to check out their America the Beautiful by Teleflora Bouquet, and it definitely stands by the “beautiful” part of the name! The arrangement is filled with gorgeous red roses, asiatic lilies, white alstroemeria, blue statice and red carnations in a cobalt blue glass cube. The cube is just perfect for reusing for other flowers or as a classy desk accessory.
Like all the Teleflora bouquets that I’ve had the pleasure of receiving in the past, my arrangements was carefully put together and hand-delivered by one of my local florists. I love that extra special touch of having a real person hand me my flowers! It just makes the experience feel more personal. Plus I love knowing that my local florists are included in the process and getting more business.
Head to Teleflora.com and check out their other patriotic bouquets, including the lovely Teleflora’s Sapphire Skies Bouquet! Don’t forget, you’ll save a huge 40% off when you use Visa Checkout!
How do you show off your patriotic pride during the big games? Do you go all out for Labor Day parties? Share in the comments!
Teleflora does have beautiful flower arrangements for any occasion. Their florists are true artists. I usually order from them when we need a fabulous centerpiece during functions and board meetings.
I adore roses of any kind. I have used Teleflora several times. They are a great company
I have used Teleflora for mother’s day bouquets and they have looked really nice!
We have been watching the Olympics together as a family. I love the idea of a Red white and blue themed floral bouquet. Great way to get into the spirit!
I always love to received a bouquet and I love any roses.
I love giving flowers to the special women in my life. These are really nice! I love how they arranged the flowers on this bouquet.
What beautiful flowers. I think I will have to tell my hubby that he needs to buy me some. Thanks for the 40% off too