Now that back to school season is officially underway (Jake went back earlier this week, and I’m not loving the 6AM wakeup, my friends), it’s the perfect time to make sure every member of your family starts their morning off right! That includes, of course, our furry family members! I’ve partnered with Milk-Bone to share a few tips on how you can get everyone back into a healthy AM routine!
During the summer, we pretty much let our routines go out the window. We woke up whenever we wanted, went to bed at all hours of the night and just lived the happy, free life. Even my dog slept in! He was pretty shocked on Monday when Jake and I woke up at 6AM! He looked at me, looked outside the window at the still rising sun, looked back at me with that “you’re crazy, human” expression on his face and went right back to bed. Oh, Coop, trust me bud, I wish I could have done the same!

Eventually, Coop will get back on the same routine as his human family members. Since I’m trying to incorporate more healthy lifestyle choices into our own routine, I’ll make sure I add Cooper to that goal as well. Check out a few things you can do with your dog to keep the whole family healthy during the back to school season!
Back to School Morning Routines For the Whole Family
Get active with your four-legged trainer in the morning.
40% of doggy moms and dads do healthy things with their pups at the same time that they do healthy things for their families. By adding doggy exercise to the rest of your family’s morning routine, your dog can actually begin to encourage the rest of your family to stay active!
Involve your kids in caring for Fido (and for themselves).
Dogs, just like young kids, need role models. 57% of dog parents who also have human children involve their kids in caring for their pet—instilling responsibility and good daily habits like brushing their teeth and taking their vitamins. Older kids can get involved in things like feeding your dog (just make sure they know the right amount, you don’t want to overfeed Fido), bathing him and walking him (if he walks nice on the leash!) Even the younger kids can help out with things like reminding you to give Fido his vitamins or bringing you the food bowl at breakfast time.
Make sure your dog consistently receives the nutrients necessary to live a long and happy life.
1 in 3 pet parents are confused about what’s needed for proper pet nutrition, meaning many pup parents are unaware that their dogs’ diets may be lacking in essential nutrients. Milk–Bone Good Morning Daily Vitamin Treats were created specifically to promote your dog’s well-being and longevity. So when you’re giving your kids their daily vitamins, remember that your pup needs their nutrient-packed treats too. Your dog adds so much to the family—make sure to take care of him/her for the long-term! Learn more about Milk–Bone‘s Good Morning Daily Vitamins on their site!
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