Save money and grow vegetables from kitchen scraps? You totally can with these hacks below! My thumb is a bit more light yellow than bright green, but even I manage to every year regrow some of our kitchen scraps into delicious vegetables and herbs. Check out all the ideas of vegetables you can grow in your garden below from the leftovers in your kitchen!
9 Vegetables You Can Grow From Kitchen Scraps
Green Onion
Green onions are one of the simplest plants to regrow, and where I got my start growing kitchen scraps. Chop (or snip with kitchen shears) the green part of the onion for your recipe. Take care to leave the entire white root part in one piece. Place onion roots down in a shallow cup of water. In about a week you should start to see roots and green grow. You can use some of the green part while the roots continue to grow, usually in about a week to two weeks. Make sure to plant the onions before three weeks or so has gone by or they may mold.
Finished with the leafy green part of the lettuce? Don’t toss that core that was holding the head together! Instead of pulling the leaves off the bottom, cut a nice clean cut about an inch below the bottom. Submerge the base in shallow water. Spritz your lettuce plant daily and in about a week you should start to see roots and leaves growing. Once the roots start to get longer, you can plant the lettuce with the roots above ground in your garden or in a pot. Romaine takes about seven to ten weeks before you can begin harvesting and eating your lettuce, other kinds may vary.
Leeks are the slightly heartier cousin of the green onion, and the scraps can be sprouted similarly. Place the bottom of the leek in a small amount of warm water. Once it sprouts, you can then transfer to a large pot of soil, making sure to leave the pot about three-quarters full. Leeks grow fast, but do require “blanching.” As they grow, add more soil to the pot around the stalk up to the first leaf. This “blanches” them keeping sunlight away and making the leeks more tender when you harvest. Leeks can be harvested anywhere between nine to seventeen weeks.
Ever had garlic simply start to sprout on you? Don’t throw it away, grow it instead! The green parts of the plant produces a mild tasting garlic green that you can cook with the same way you cook with green onions. Sprouting whole garlic cloves is a much longer process, and they have to be through a season of cold weather before they sprout. I always stick to eating the greens as the bulbs can take about nine months before you get bulbs.
Basil requires you to get a little thriftier, as you’ll need to save a whole sprig of basil to regrow. Grab a portion of your basil from the grocery that has at least three leaves and place in shallow water. Basil is a little tougher to grow, you’ll need to prop the leaves up a little, or even gently wrap the bottom where the roots grow in wet paper towel. Once the roots are at least an inch long you can gently plant the seedlings in dirt. You’ll be able to harvest from your basil plant all summer and fall. If you keep it in a pot you should be able to harvest from your plant even longer.
This hack works best if you have some potatoes from the bottom of your pantry that is getting old like the one in the picture here. Slice up your potato so that each piece has at least one “eye” (or root piece if your potatoes are old like mine.) Fill a plastic tub with dirt and plant the potato pieces. In about ten weeks you’ll be able to dig up some tender new ‘taters for dinner.
Sweet Potatoes
Similar to potatoes, you can also regrow sweet potatoes that have gotten too old to eat. I like to cut the sweet potato in half and use toothpicks to suspend it in warm water, but the picture I found above they simply used the whole sweet potato! Keep your sweet potato in a warm spot. In a few days you will have sprouts all over. Once the sprouts are a few inches long you can twist them off the potato and plant them in the soil. Water well especially in the summer months, and in three to four months you can dig up fresh sweet potatoes.
The process for celery is similar! Leave about one to two inches of the base intact and place in a shallow cup of water. Once the roots start to grow, you can plant the new starter in the dirt or a pot. This one takes about three to four months to grow. Celery also prefers cooler weather, which means if you start now by fall you’ll have free thriving celery.
This is a well-known trick but you can regrow an avocado plant from your giant avocado pit. Start by placing toothpicks into your pit to suspend it in a cup of water. When the roots grow a few inches you can then plant it and watch the plant grow. These trees are super easy to sprout but take about three to four years to mature, and must eventually have a warm climate outside for the tree to survive.
Would you try growing vegetables from kitchen scraps? Have you tried anything not on this list? Tell me about it in the comments!
I have heard that you can regrow veggies from their scraps, but never looked into it. My kids are homeschooled, we definitely need to try these out. Those leeks look gorgeous and one of my favorite to cook with.
I have never been one to have a green thumb. My parents always had a knack for gardening and I would just watch them from afar, playing my next backyard game. I’ve been seeing a lot of suggestions as to how to grow veggies from kitchen scraps. Your article is super informative and inspiring: I may go ahead and try my hand at gardening this summer.
I have been saying forever that I am going to start my own garden. This is a great way to do so- seeds can be expensive. I am definitely going to make a salad tonight so I can begin!
OMG this is seriously so cool. I am going to totally try some of these. I totally never thought you could grow lettuce in the house that way, so that is soooooooo awesome to know. Such a great way to a garden going.
I saw a YouTube video about something similar. It’s a really great way to teach your kids about how plants grow, and to save a few dollars. It also helps cut the cost on purchasing seeds.
My sister do this all the time, she is always growing something in her kitchen window. I didn’t know you could grow lettuce like that in water at home!
How cool are these?! I haven’t thought about growing anything from kitchen scraps before. Sitting here eating my avocado toast .. I think I know just what I’ll be starting with. A few toothpicks .. a glass of water and a sunny window (check). We’ll see how it goes x
Let us know how it goes! I love guacamole, so I’m trying it next time I get fresh avocados to make that.
I pinned this post. I didnt know you could grow veggies in glasses. I would love to grow all of these but especially the avocados!
This was timely, or should I say “thymely” lol. My husband just bought me some arugula seeds. I go through it like water. I might try growing these as well so I can cut down on produce dollars. Thanks for sharing!
This article makes gardening so much easier. I should try growing some of these veggies in my kitchen. My children would love it so much.
I have tried this. It really is quite easy to do.
I never knew that you could grow veggies from kitchen scraps, this is too cool. Thank you for sharing.
Wow most of these you don’t even need a yard! My sister composts scraps and was surprised to see she was growing veggies!
These look like great ideas for the use of kitchen scraps.
This is really amazing! I am surprised by this and need to do the garlic one because I am always eating garlic. Thanks for the ideas!