You know how much I love adult coloring books, right? It’s probably my favorite trend of the last few years! I’ve always loved coloring, but now that it’s so crazy popular, it’s easier than ever to find books for every mood.
Today, thanks to, I have six fabulous free printable adult coloring pages for you inspired by some of the greatest literature of all time! I also received a few pairs of their most popular readers to try out so I can actually see what I’m coloring!
Read on to learn more and grab these awesome coloring pages from Catch 22, Dracula, The Great Gatsby, Little Women, Lord of the Flies, and Moby Dick!
Free Printable Adult Coloring Books Inspired by Great Literature
You have a couple of options for downloading these free coloring pages.
- Click the image to open the full-size version in a new tab and print or save from there.
- Click on the PDF link below each image to download and print.
Moby Dick Coloring Page
Catch-22 Coloring Sheet
Lord of the Flies Coloring Page
Little Women Coloring Sheet
The Great Gatsby Coloring Page
Dracula Coloring Page
See the detail in your art with
You never realize how much you need reading glasses until you actually put on a pair. Up until a few years ago, I had perfect vision…or so I thought! Then one night when I was up too late reading, I noticed the words were blurring. I started to notice it more and more. If I wasn’t under bright lights, I had a harder time seeing the page.
Then one day, I put on a pair of reading glasses and was shocked at how much more detail I could see!
I used to think it was better to just buy 10 pairs of dollar store reading glasses and throw them out when they got too scratched up. I admit, I was too cheap to buy a pair of good readers. Then I added up the amount I spent on the $1 glasses over the years and figured out that I would have been A LOT better off investing in a few good pairs from (THE premier source of reading glasses).
Don’t worry, reading glasses from aren’t going to set you back a fortune! They stand by their slogan of “Happy Eyes, Happy Wallet.” I was happy to see that they had many pairs around the $15 range, and some of their sunglasses readers are currently on sale for even less than that! sent me a selection of their most popular glasses, including the super cute & colorful Sophie, the stylish Emerald, and the hip Laura with her cat eyes! The Sophie and Laura are pictured above. The Emerald resides in my purse so I can actually see the prices on things at the grocery store!
Each of these readers is under $20 and comes in a bunch of fun styles or colors. I love that has strengths up to 6.0, depending on the style. I am up to 2.75, and it can be hard to find cute reading glasses above a 2 in stores. They also work much better than cheap dollar store glasses, or even the semi-cheap readers you find in drug stores. They’re also a lot sturdier! My Emeralds are taking a beating in my purse, but they are holding up fantastic!
Whether you need readers to help bring the words on a page into clearer focus or to let you see your art in more detail, you really can’t go wrong with!
COUPON ALERT: Save 40% on Your Favorite Pair of Glasses
I have a great coupon for you! Just use the code prettyopinion40 to save 40% on your favorite pair of readers at!
Which pair of reading glasses are you buying from with your coupon?
Thanks for sharing a lovely article, it is very creative and attracting.
I will print these out for my grandmother. She loves to color.
I love to color, I like to color while relaxing my porch.