Possibly one of the biggest wedding trends of the decade is the ambitious destination wedding. For anyone unfamiliar, a destination wedding is when the wedding locale is essentially a short vacation away from the usual area where the couple and guests live. It could be a short trip a state away to a beautiful park, or a plane ride over to Australia. They’re a wonderfully personal and exciting option, so it’s no wonder millennials especially are drawn to them.
Are you considering a destination wedding for your big day? Here are some tips other couples have used in the past to help things go smoothly.
Consider Your Guests Carefully
It’s 2018, and there’s actually a Winona Ryder and Keanu Reeves movie coming out about disgruntled destination wedding guests. Don’t invite anyone who you know won’t be truly happy to be there! Destination weddings are often seen as an opportunity to have an intimate and fun experience with your closest loved ones. You can make it a huge extended affair if you’d like, but it’s generally recommended that you keep it down to less than a dozen people.
Don’t Over-Plan
A classic mistake on any trip: over-planning. Consider that you have other guests with you who have various preferences when traveling. Your crew might be adventurous, but if it’s mostly your parents and grandparents, think about their activity level and what they may want from the trip. According to an international survey, about 59% of respondents preferred a relaxing vacation to an active one. Feel free to plan a hot springs day for grandpa while you and your new spouse go hiking. Consider this, too: you’ll probably be exhausted from your wedding day! Choose a few must-do activities to plan ahead of time and leave the rest of your stay open for optimum relaxation.
Forego Wedding Gifts
Unfortunately, destination weddings can get a little pricey depending on the destination. That’s why many are capped at just a few guests. Some Millennials and Gen Xers forego a destination wedding simply because of the cost; more than half of these generations say that money is a barrier to leisure travel, unlike the 55% of Baby Boomers who disagree. If you’re worried about costs, consider having bridal shower guests and wedding guests forego traditional gifts in favor of putting a bit of money towards the wedding. How much that adds up to will vary, but it might bolster your budget a bit. You can also check out some more affordable destinations instead of big resorts and expensive beaches.
Choose A Theme Around Your Destination — If You Want
Taking a quick look at the top 50 destination wedding locations unsurprisingly shows that many of them feature beaches. Many grooms and brides love to tailor their theme to the location; for example, wearing locally-crafted sea glass jewelry. Wedding sea glass jewelry in the most common blue, green, and aqua hues can be absolutely beautiful. However, not every beach bride wants to wear a bunch of sea glass or shells. Accept your personal preferences and don’t feel pressured to tailor your style to your destination.
Remember, your big day is YOUR big day. These are suggestions that have previously been helpful for other couples, but ultimately a destination wedding’s purpose to give you extra creative expression and fun in your wedding planning. Make it what you want!